Pirate Lass, the Bloody Raven, her Cursed treasure and tall tales.
The Storm Crow, Canadian West Coast
For clarification from a previous post, I’ve deliberately named this series of posts; Junk Silver Series as a ‘play’ on words. While the #sgs community at large apply this colorful colloquial term to all silver business coins, I will be referring to the literal and historical Chinese Junk ship. As we say, “Together we learn.”
My Clinical Study of Stackitis-Stackitus ArticleHealth Report 8675309There was this adrenaline-like thrill to get another piece to this growing impromptu collection of beautiful golden shiny notes. This latest mail call gift, or rather a prize in a surprise giveaway. But there is a dark side to this. Why? Read on.
This year has already made my 2025 Christmas shopping plans easier next fall. Why? Read on.“Black birds tend to like shiny things.” ~ The Bloody RavenThis package finally arrived by the end of January, better late than never. Santa is known to be punctual but in Canada I bet he was strong armed by the law to acquiesce service to CanadaPost and the CBSA to deliver the goods. Bloody government over reach rather than, "for the safety of the Canadian public." Our politicians don't deserve even a lump of coal, since it will be Carbon taxed anyway. Rant done.
An Executor of an Estate is an individual charged with the responsibility of executing the wishes of the Testator (Deceased) as outlined in the Testator’s Will. “Black birds tend to like shiny things.” ~ The Bloody Raven
The Canadian Postal system is barely functioning as they were ordered to resume delivery operations back around a week before Christmas. It’s running slow so most my late bills arrived ‘past due’. “Black birds tend to like shiny things.” ~ The Bloody Raven
This particular coin personally ranks high up on my epic silver ship collection. Considering the long maritime history of the Dutch trade the Utrecht Ducat became for a time recognized as ‘the’ preferred money of international trade and now a special place among my treasures.