
Dutch ex-Caribbean Girl living in Switzerland, Dog Lover, scrub nurse, crypto newbie


Joined in 09, 2017
· 6 days ago

After all of the months of complaining about crappy weather, the last month (or better said 2 months even) summer is properly here. The whole summer everything was in place of doing stuff outdoors. Barbequeing on the daily, making even cooler outdoor recipes and taking the entire day for the slow cooking process. Having people over, and having even more people over and making fires in the night. I just love it! The only only who isn't the biggest fan of this all is the dog. As a Bernese mountaindog he deals way better with cold weather. I guess he would be on his best with sleeping outside in the snow in winter time. But that is not the deal at the moment, and since he is not the most intelligent animal (sorry dude...you just aren't) he doesn't really understand that it is better for him to just lie in the shade instead of in the full blown sun. Because...overheating. Same with running and playing catch for the dog. Once the dog think he wants to run and chase something, he just will. Regardless of how much it exhausts him, he will continue to chase untill overheated. Or job is to make sure that this doesn't happen and keep him calm. Even for a senior dog, he loves to go for it. The best excersize for him the last couple of weeks has been swimming in the woods for him. Luckily we have some creeks and places for him to get in easily and you just see how much he loves this. Needless to say I also enjoy this very much and also step into the water with him, even if it means I end up as a waterbomb. The weather just makes this all happen and I absolutely love it! His favorite spot to chill is just on the little hill where all the creeks split up. I am absolutely fine with this as I totally approve this spot! Let's keep this neverending summer going like this!

· 28. Aug 2024

What I have learned over the past couple of weeks of sailing around is that you and your sailing boat are just a tiny spider in the web of other stuff that is happening. I was writing earlier about the storms that were hitting the Mediterranean in all kinds of different countries and that sometimes it means that you do not have the option to go out because of safety reasons and have to stay in a safe space. What also can happen is that you have to make your travel plans a bit more controversial in terms of the timetable. That can mean that sometimes you might even have to leave before sunrise to get somewhere in time. That can either be to catch a bridge that opens only once in the morning, or it can be so you can make it to a safe harbour before the weather starts to change. Either way....I really don'even mind because the ritual of the morning can be done from any spot in the water at any given moment. What I know is that usually I am not really that good in getting up early in the morning. But when there is water involved this is a different story. Do a little bomb from the boat into the water and you are wide awake in no time. The biggest splash will annouce to other that you are departing as well as the cries of someone who jumps in cold water are kind of hard not to be ignored for the rest of the world. And then after sailing off...total tranquility. The silence of no engine on. The few knots of wind will gently push you further along the water towards your destination. Just looking at the bikini which was used for the waterbomb in the morning hanging to dry looks like a piece of art. Sunrise really is a special moment of the day, which is even a lot more special when you are spending it in silence on the water while the colours of the day are changing. I'll take this any day!
