Hello Splinterlands Community!!
This post is about the Weekly Battle Challenge with RADIATED BRUTE!!!!!!!
Radiated Brute is part of the Fire Splinter and has the Reach ability. I like to use this monster a lot in battles where I focus on Melee attacks. Its Melee attack is enhanced with Tarsa Summoner and it can do additional damage with the tank to the opponent's tank. I really love this neutral monster in the Splinterlands lineup. I want to show this monster's usefulness by showcasing battles from my daily quest for today. I had to win 5 battles with the Fire Splinter and I won 5 battles by playing 6 battles. This is the best success rate for me in completing Daily quests.
Radiated Brute is a great monster in one's lineup where Melee attack damage has an advantage. For example, many times when playing Splinterlands battles, one has to play within a set of rules, and oftentimes there are rules that give Melee attack monsters an advantage. Some of the rules are as follows -
- Only Melee attack monsters can be used.
- Monsters do not get any armor from summoners or monster abilities.
- Melee and Range attack monsters never miss when they attack.
The above 3 rules are some examples I can think of. There is one more - Melee attack monsters can attack from any position. Radiated Brute can already attack from the second position.
I have a level 2 card. The only difference in stats in Level 1 and Level 2 is +1 Speed, therefore I have a slight advantage when using this card. Below are the enhancements in stats and abilities as one levels up with Radiated Brute.
Battle Rules
- Magic Attack Monster cannot be used in the battle
- Total Mana limit 23
- Can play with Fire, Life, Death, and Dragon Splinters
Since the Splinterlands season has just ended, I started off with Bronze III level and therefore unlike in my other posts, there are fewer rules in this battle.
Since Magic attack monsters cannot be used, I had the option to play with Melee or Range attacks. Based on my experience, The benefit of Fire Splinter in such a scenario is that one can use the Tarsa summoner to not only boost the health but also attack the monsters. Since this is an relatively low mana battle, I also wanted to enhance my overall attack on the entire team of the opponent and therefore Fire Splinter was my obvious choice. I was trying to complete the Daily Quest :)
I went for the following team -
Reason for Team Selection - Strategy
As I mentioned above that this is a relatively low mana battle and Magic attack Monsters are not allowed. Therefore I was left with 2 attack-type options. Whatever I chose I wanted to enhance not just the health of my monsters but also boost the attack of all my monsters. Therefore I chose the fire Splinter. My tank is low mana and has the Shield ability. In case the opponent used a monster with Demoralize ability then my tank's attack is rendered useless. Therefore, here is where the Radiated Brute comes in handy.
While two of my monsters attack the opponent's tank, I have two monsters in my team that attack the opponent from the rear. I like such monsters in the team as they help remove monsters from the opponent's lineup that restore health or armor. I had a feeling that the opponent can also use Fire Splinter and therefore the other two, 1 mana monsters are there to eat up the attack of monsters with opportunity ability.
Battle Link
You can find my battle link and Youtube video below:
I did win the battle and hope you all liked my strategy. Let me know your thoughts in the comments below.