What do we want from content?


As I sit here and scroll through pages of content only designed to attract voters here, or fulfill some sort of daily quota to get auto votes, I ask myself - what exactly do we want from content?
What is the point of having content that is only designed for the people already here? What is the point of rewarding people enormous amounts for not contributing anything more than a few sentences and some screen shots with rhetorical questions of why you think the HIVE price is high?
What is the point in auto voting content no one is reading or watching? Which just leads to the author than just throwing out as many minimal quality posts that they can in a day to get those auto votes...
What’s the goal here? Do we just want people to come here to try to game the rewards somehow? While they search content just to use their 10 daily votes and try to get in before a bigger vote and earn some CR without even reading it?
Are we social? What’s social about this place exactly? Are interesting conversations and playful interactions encouraged?
What do we want from content?
Is it just designed to get us all a reason to write something to get a vote? Or was it intended to be a selling point? You know.. to draw outside eyes in?
What incentive is there to draw outside eyes in exactly? I mean, if someone can just shit post and earn $20+ a post and not even have to bring their outside audience in, or build one, why would they?
If someone can just put a bunch of banners in a post to make it look like it’s more than just those few sentences and say “Hive” and get massive autovotes.. because no one reads anything, why would anyone actually want to contribute anything?
We need to figure out what we want from our content, and figure out tools that help us incentivize creators to actually draw an audience, otherwise what is the point?
We need to figure out a way for people to find the content they actually like and want to interact with, so people actually come here to consume content. Make it easy to find and not feel like a chore.
Hive is not just content, but a huge majority of the inflation pool is allocated out each day to it, and the more I look around, the more I ask myself why.. as there is no incentive for creators to entertain and bring the masses, we need to change that.
Content is our store front currently, and sometimes I think we are too stuck in our echo chamber to even acknowledge that we are failing at attracting anyone with it, and that’s a huge mistake imo.
So, content creators - if you only received rewards based on the audience you drew, would you change anything you are currently doing?
If rewards weren’t a main focus anymore, rather a great site that you actually enjoyed using .. would you still be here?
Do we really have content consumers here currently? Or are we mostly just authors competing for the pool? Is that beneficial longterm?
How do we make content a true value proposition and use it to actually attract people here?
These are things I think we have to solve...
random thoughts at 2am...
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