I haven’t posted in awhile, not a lot to say I guess.. well that’s not true, I always have a lot to say.. but I guess nothing I felt was beneficial to say.
I’ve also not taken any photos in awhile, or anything else creative.. life has just been really busy. And when I’m here, on Hive, I’m just keeping my head down and trying to help all I can to get things on the right foot along with all the others.
So there is stuff I want to say.. as I am probably this project biggest critic, you could call it a love/hate relationship, but somehow here I am.. On one hand I spend hours every day trying to help it, while on the other having such a hard time with so many aspects of it. So many flaws I don’t want to see redone, so many obstacles that need to be overcome.
I don’t know how to say those things without sounding negative.. but since I broke out the camera recently (my goodness I’m out of practice), I thought I would break out some completely random freewrite thoughts as well.. as nothing else seemed fitting.. so here goes nothing...
This community has been through a lot, and there is a ton that needs to be overcome. One thing that was very important to me was that this community had a choice, not a forced migration. Above all else, that’s why I am here.. and I’m happy to see that this community came together to ensure that happened.. and here we are.
So what happens now? We all know the flaws, we all know the improvements needed.. and somehow the community is going to have to figure out how to solve them, together.
Content discovery is horrid, focus on rewards makes this place no fun, we have no marketing, signups are difficult, the site is over complicated... I could go on and on.
But I think its pretty freaking amazing that for the first time ever, these issues actually seem solvable.
But someone has to solve them...
Currently there is a core group of people still working to set Hive up for the community. So much base layer aspects are still being worked on that are vital for longterm success.
So while I wish instead of spending hours dealing with exchanges, I instead was spending hours curating content.. some shit needs to be done first.. and I hope the community sees that - the fact that this is still brand new and so many are working hard to set the foundation of this platform so then the community can run with it. I hope that hasn’t been forgotten or replaced with frustration for not seeing instant results.
And I hope, more than anything, that the community realizes that all those things they want to see fixed.. all those flaws, yeah they aren’t going to fix themselves.. and the only one who can fix them.. is the community.
There is a ton of work to be done, and everyone will have to play their part. There may be some who put in proposals or just form groups and get it done.. after all, Hive wasn’t born because a group put in a proposal, it was born because a group saw a need and got shit done.. to ensure this community could move forward.
We all play our part, and we can’t depend on others to fix it all.. sometimes we are the ones who have to get shit done.
So while I would like to bitch about the shit that’s not done, the shit that still needs to be done, or the fact that I think every single person still interacting on Steem is helping Justin Sun and therefore showing support of the actions being done there (including the blocking of our fellow community members of their valid stake) ... instead I’m going to remind myself that shit takes time.
It’s like a break up after all.. and sometimes it takes time to leave that abusive ex for good. Shit takes time.
While I’d like to state how I still don’t have faith in the DPoS governance and that I think the rewards pool is so flawed I’d like to throw it out the window... I have to remind myself that shit takes time. And this is about building something new.. which comes with bumps along the way.
So I guess my random thoughts will lead me to asking the same of you - to realize shit takes time.
And to remind you that all those flaws and things you don’t like here, no one can fix them but us... we all play a part.
This community has shown its strength for standing up for what it believes in.. now it’s time to work together to make something better than where we came from..
But shit takes time.
I’m not sure what that means for me, if anything at all.. but I’m going to do my best to help fix some of the flaws.. until my love/hate relationship finds its final conclusion.
I hope you all will be working to do the same, or at least show patience to those that are.. as things don’t happen over night.. but to me, it already looks a hell of a lot better than where we came from, and I hope you agree.
Edited to add a song.. cause well, who needs an excuse for music?
photos taken with a Fuji X-T2