Today's session was heavy! We went to one of the most complete spots in Rio, a true skateboarding playground, full of possibilities to film those insane tricks. And to make it even more special, we had the legendary Anthony Caravall in the house—a guy who helped shape the skate scene worldwide and is still going strong, always involved in the culture.
O rolê de hoje foi pesado! Fomos para um dos picos mais completos do Rio, um verdadeiro parquinho do Skateboard, cheio de possibilidades para filmar aquelas manobras absurdas. E pra deixar tudo ainda mais especial, tivemos a presença ilustre de Anthony Caravall, um cara que ajudou a moldar a cena do skate pelo mundo e segue firme, sempre envolvido no corre.
Our meeting was one of those unexpected moments at Praça XV, a place full of energy and historic skateboarding encounters in Rio. We set up a session for the next day at Pier 2, where the ledges had already been ruthlessly destroyed by the locals. Only skaters with pop, style, and solid skills in the session: Cadeo Tempero, Nicolas Poppe, Gabriel Leandro, Wilson Chaves, and Bruno Bombaque.
O encontro foi daqueles inesperados na Praça XV, lugar de grande energia e encontros históricos do skate carioca. Marcamos para o dia seguinte no Pier 2, onde as bordas já foram massacradas sem dó, por todos da região. Só skatistas de pop, estilo e muita base na session: Cadeo Tempero, Nicolas Poppe, Gabriel Leandro, Wilson Chaves e Bruno Bombaque.

Massive gratitude for being able to film this heavy crew and do what I love the most! Pure skateboarding, raw energy, and that session vibe that makes it all worth it.

Gratidão máxima por poder filmar essa galera pesada e fazendo o que mais amo! Skate de verdade, energia pura e aquele clima de sessão que faz tudo valer a pena.
I hope you enjoy these videos as much as I enjoyed filming them, and that you share the links with other skate lovers!

"SÓ VAMU!!!"

I thank those who have followed this story so far. I hope you enjoy the upcoming publications. To "give a moral," please share!
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