From Nurse to full-time mom & content creator (JosiePlaysCrypto - YouTube). My passion covers two communities: women journeying through motherhood and Play2Earn crypto games (Splinterlands)!
Over the last few months - since I've been getting more and more involved in guilds, I've been on my QUEST for QUORA and legendary gladius cards! If you are part of a guild and participate in brawls, you know that Quora is one of THE best gladius cards!
OK - it's not going to feel the best posting this one, but let's get our #WOOMeme game on! I've recently joined the WOO community and am LOVING it! Here's my entry for this week's contest:Special thanks to the WOO team and @wrestorgonline for running this promo! GO join in on the contest!
Watch on 3SpeakI am SO excited for the #WOO general sale coming up October 31st! Here's my entry for the 100,000 $WOO #WOOContest! Let's GO! @woo-marketing3Speak
I want to see what the WORST and BEST rewards people have gotten for end of season! Just browsing the discord every end of season, I'm seeing crazy variability in reward chests. Let's take a look at what I was able to pull this season!
Buy DEC before it's too late! We're still at a 25% discount on DEC versus peg! Here are two factors that you might not be thinking of that will drive DEC back to peg!I've said in a few videos now that I think DEC will 100% get back to its peg, where 1000 DEC equals $1 US dollar. That being said, it's still over 25% lower than its intended peg! Why is that? Mostly because there was and still is an abundance of DEC in the game with little to no burn mechanisms.
I made a previous video highlighting my strategy going into the Riftwatchers Pre-sale, including how I plan to maximize asset values in the short term. How did those moves pan out? Let's walk through what happened day of the pre-sale and what's coming next!