Splinterlands: The Great Season's End + Why the Recent Strange Changes?


I didn't do a splinterlands Season's roundup for last two season ago, and that was because the glint reward was very underwhelming and I incurred a lot of losses in the process.
However, the recently concluded season was fantastic; I earned more SPS rewards because I received a 10k SPS delegation for placing among the top three performers in my last Guild outing.
Although I received these delegations two days before the end of the season, they helped me earn more Glint and improved my SPS reward. Although I was already doing well for the season, I believe it showed in my Guild outing.
Splinterlands is an emotionally charged game that can be overly enjoyable. Last two season, I was beaten by 70% of opponents I faced, this just concluded season, I beat over 70% of the opponents I faced and it was awesome overall.

Two GF EPIC at once!

So, for the first time, I earned more than 50k Glints (53k to be exact, 106k) for shopping, and I finished the season with two GF epic cards despite only purchasing 6. What are the odds? It is the first time I have been so lucky getting a GF night reaper and shock trooper.

Although I already have the shock trooper at level 3, getting a GF is rare, and even if I do decide to burn it, I will do so for 12500 Glints. Cool! However, I would rather not burn them because they are probably a trophy for my cabinet.
Getting another one in the night reaper was amazing; I only have my regular foil at level 2, so the system will automatically select my GF night reaper when playing, allowing me to earn more SPS rewards for automatically fielding gold sets.
The season got better
Thanks again to my Guild emp-warden for the 10k SPS delegation. I know I will lose it in a few days, but it is provided a significant boost in the final days of the season.

Chimney wallstop

I upgraded my cards, but nothing serious. The only credible thing to mention about my upgrades is that my chimney wallstop now has a repair ability at level 5.
I use the chimney a lot, so I am excited that one of my favorite cards is getting a new ability; it is time to bully some opponents.

Rare Collection

My rare collection is looking great. Although I have burned almost all of the GF rare and common cards because I prefer to upgrade the standard versions. So I do not have any GF rare, despite having collected a lot over the last few months.
However, my standard collection is not looking too bad, as I now have over 75% of my rare cards at level six.
They only need two more levels to be maxed out, but it will most likely require more Glints, as doing so will not be easy.
However, some of them will likely not receive another cool ability until they reach level 8, which is why maxing them out is critical; it simply gives you an advantage over certain opponents.

Why are we all starting from bronze 3?

Or is it just me?
Finally, I noticed something bizarre. I finished the season in Gold 2, and instead of starting at Silver 1, I was moved back to Bronze 3. Starting the season here means I will earn almost nothing in Glint and SPS, which is really not cool.
Second, it has been difficult to climb out of there because there are so many max level decks fighting to get off. I really want to know if anyone knows why they suddenly made this atrocious change, because I've been really wondering why.

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