Last week was pretty epic!
I reached over 100,000 staked $LEO and things were looking up and up. I dare not mention the price of the token though lol Oh boy, it's like every time I hit a goal in my crypto journey, the prices are always at all time lows lol
But regardless, I still love this platform and have a new goal set up that you will be able to read about down the post a bit further.
And even though I didn't hit a new target this week, I did reach quite a nice little milestone.
I guess the good thing about these prices being so low is that I can accumulate much more than I used to be able to. Of course, that's fine when you have extra crypto or fiat to spend...
Not this guy anymore lol
So from now on, going forward, we'll be doing it the good ol' fashioned way.
And that's creation and curation on chain!
I have a few rants too, so this post will be the best of both worlds :)
Let's dive in...
150,000 LEO Power / Apen Lion
I passed 100k last week and now the next goal is in sight...
Apex Lion level or 150,000 $LEO Power
A big goal for sure, and not so much because of the price of this stuff...It's now because I have pretty much nothing to invest lol Except the small bits of time throughout the week I get.
And over the past month or so, I was buying up about 500 LEO a day off the markets. But now, if I can get 100 a day it'll be a small miracle. Not sure how quick this goal will be reached but here we go....
New goals are always good :)
150 BBHO Per Vote
A few things to mention...
First up, I can't seem to vote anyone on the BBHO front end. And over the past few weeks, things haven't been online all the time. Not sure what is going on, but I'm sure there are things being worked on.
So I can't tell anyone how much each vote is worth but I'm assuming it's still around 110 BBHO per vote. Or something....
But hey, I did reach over 100,000 BBHO!!!
I think I'm the first holder of the token to reach over 100K and that's pretty exciting. Plus I got my weekly drips as well...
Now for my concerns...
Like I mentioned above, things on the front end have been glitchy. And I'm sure it's being worked on, but I don't see the same excitement for BBHO that I do see for BBH.
I really can't stand tipping tokens. And I get it, people seem to love them on chain. However my love, passion and belief is always surrounded around a community....
And the community token is....BBHO.
I really hope there is much more emphasis on this token, rather than BBH going forward. I get it, people love tipping tokens...But I truly believe the real value is the community, not a tip here and there.
So might be selfish, as I have over 100k of these things...But look at my track record since day one of being n this blockchain....Community was always king for me!
Anywho....No more negative Nancy content from me. I'm way too blessed to be stressed and hope everyone has an awesome week going forward.
Few hiccups, have never slowed anyone down....Keep pushing!