Like Anne with an E, I am: "A Bride of Adventure" and a "conscientious objector of the status quo"; headstrong feminist too; Middle Name is Mischief; A breathing beating alive human being nevertheless
Hi, Hivers! Hola, my Liketu Fam!🫰🏼 I know I know. I have been MIA around the Blockchain since January 2024. I AM SO SORRY!!! I needed some time to live through life and think about important life-changing decisions hehe.
Hello, Hive family! 💖💖💖 I HOPE EVERYONE HERE IS HAVING A BLAST THIS YULETIDE SEASON!✨Allow me to share snapshots of how I celebrated my Christmas.🥰 I am super blessed to celebrate my Christmas with my family: my parents, siblings, my nieces, and of course my darling Pebbles the Princess Shih Tzu.🤍
Reunited with my Main🥹✨Happy weekend, Hive friends! Indeed it is a very "happy" one because I got to spend it with my main🥹🔥These best friends and I go way back college days - when we were still fresh from graduating high school! It has been a decade that we have known each other and their company is just the best therapy there is! (And it'
"The One with Katie and Crochet Journey" 🧶Happy Friday, Hive friends! I hope everyone is healthy, safe, sound, and generally well. 🩷I am so happy that today's a holiday here in the country and I was able to.... go to work.😢 Huhu. Joke's on me.
IT IS CHRISTMAS SEASON AND BOY IS EVERYTHING BRIGHT AND MERRY!!✨✨✨ Don't we all love the "holiday cheer", Hive friends? The Christmas carols, the bright lights in everyone's homes, the smell of hot cocoa in the crisp & cold morning air, the sound of hur
Happy weekend, Hive friends! Are hope you are safe and healthy. I sincerely pray for those affected by the recent earthquake in the Philippines - those in the Mindanao areas.🙏🦋 Praying for healing and recovery and peace for everyone.🥹