Hello friends of HIVE and SWC, my name is John Esmith Linares (@johnesmith). I bring you a brief photo shoot of my basic leg workout today. Of course, before starting the workout, I did a little stretching or neuromuscular conditioning for about ten to fifteen minutes, to avoid or suffer from any injury during the workout. In this case who helped me with the pictures of this post, was one of my training partners (@zgaetano). Without anything else to say, I hope you like the new post that I present below.
El primer ejercicio consistió en cuatro series de de vente repeticiones de sentadillas normales, descansando al menos un minuto por serie. Para el segundo ejercicio, realicé cuatro series de diez repeticiones de zancadas, descansando un mínimo de un minuto por serie. Para el tercer ejercicio realice cuatro series de quince repeticiones de sentadillas sumo, descansando al menos un minuto por serie. Para el cuarto y último ejercicio, realice cuatro series de vente repeticiones de pantorrillas. Bueno, espero que os hayan gustado las fotos de mi entrenamiento de pierna. Espero mejorar y superarme cada día, teniendo como objetivo sobrepasar mis límites y evolucionar como persona. Muchas gracias por toda la atención y apoyo. Espero veros en la siguiente entrega o en la próxima publicación.
The first exercise consisted of four sets of twenty repetitions of normal squats, resting at least one minute per set. For the second exercise, I performed four sets of ten repetitions of strides, resting a minimum of one minute per set. For the third exercise, I performed four sets of fifteen repetitions of sumo squats, resting at least one minute per set. For the fourth and last exercise, perform four sets of twenty repetitions of calf raises. Well, I hope you liked the pictures of my leg workout. I hope to improve and improve every day, aiming to exceed my limits and evolve as a person. Thank you very much for all the attention and support. I hope to see you in the next installment or in the next publication.


Gracias por ver mi publicación, nos vemos en la próxima entrega!!
Thank you for viewing my publication, see you in the next installment!!