Found on Spey Street, Invercargill | CCC'S Street Art Contest #241

This mural concludes my hunt for murals in Invercargill last year December.
I enjoyed the hunt, and this one is hidden, so I walked into the back of some buildings to find this one.
It is loaded on 98 Spey Street, Invercargill.
But no, this is not going to be the last one from Invercargill, I was back in Invercargill in February this year and hunted for a few more murals.
The face of the lady in this mural stands out for me. A detailed look at it will see the talent behind this mural.
As for the artist, I am unsure who the artist is.
With this mural, I am entering for this week's contest..
What Is Hive

Image by @doze
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