Found on 20 Don Street, Invercargill | CCC'S Street Art Contest #240

This is another one of my favorite murals I haunted for in Invercargill, I found this just adjacent the one I shared last week on Spey Street but this one happens to be on 20 Don Street precisely.
It is actually two murals, but I was unlucky to photograph the other one as the car park was full. Maybe one day when I am in Invercargill again and have time to hunt for murals, I will stop by again at 20 Don Street for a photo of the others mural but as for this one, I am quiet happy to have found it with nothing obstructing its view.
The artist of this mural is Deow, I have previously shared some murals from this artist, and I must say they are top quality 👌.
It is a mural of Lauren, it looks so great like it is a photograph.
With this mural I entering for this week's contest.

Image by @doze
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