Saludos estimados amigos en Hive, y en especial a todos en esta comunidad de Familias y Amigos. Me gustaría compartir algo, que seguro muchos de ustedes ya entienden y quiero expresarlo.
Ya hace un poco más de un mes, ocurrió un evento donde una familia amiga, ellos son tres integrantes, donde la madre ha estado enferma por años, una enfermedad mental, que lamentablemente aquí, no contamos con instituciones responsables y toda una falta de oportunidades para mantener un tratamiento, esto llevo por un tiempo que no se le suministrara medicinas, y la consecuencias, se imaginan. Acondicionaron la casa para mantenerla encerrada, y así por algunos años, su hijo desde pequeño se ha visto sometido a este tipo de ambiente y una vez en su adolescencia, le ha tocado cuidar a su madre, mientras su padre hacía lo propio para el sustento.
Qué triste, claro él tenía sus momentos para estudiar y visitar a sus amigo para su distracción, pero siempre le tocaba volver a ese ambiente, como es tambien amigos de la casa cuando él nos visitaba le permitíamos quedarse todo el tiempo que quisiera, claro para que disfrutara de jugar, divertirse, comer, etc., relajarse todo lo que quisiera, pero siempre llegaría el momento de regresar a su casa. En los momentos que conversaba con él y preguntaba por sus padres, notaba que el tema no era lo que más le gustaba. Lo cierto que en días pasado tuvo que quedarse en su casa, y cuidar a su mama, claro no era la primera vez, pero al parecer paso tiempo sin dormir bien, y esto le trajo consecuencias que en un momento salió de su casa, como él me dijo, para aliviar tanta presión, y le dio por correr y alejarse del ambiente, tanto que con algunos amigos lo llevamos a otra casa y desde entonces se le ha tenido que suministrar tratamiento, para relajarlo y que pueda dormir, al principio fue todo un reto, pero con la ayuda de todos aquí, sus amigos, y la ayuda de profesionales, hemos ido ayudado a nuestro amigo.
Algunos pueden pensar, que ha pasado con sus familiares, pues no los tienen cerca y los que están no han mostrado interés, pero gracias a que si tienen amigo aquí estamos nosotros. Y hemos querido ayudarlos y no dejarlos, con todo lo que ha pasado, y se han tomado algunas iniciativa, a su mama ya la enviamos con ayuda profesional, está internada en una Clínica para tratar de ayudarla a recuperarla, nos han dicho que es posible que pueda llevar una vida más digna con su familia, es cuestión de tiempo y tratamiento, con ella quedo su esposo y aquí nosotros con su hijo, ayudándolo a recuperar su tranquilidad, es un joven con muchas aspiraciones, pero consciente de sus limitaciones.
Que hacemos, el joven Luis D, le ofrecemos buena compañía y un ambiente agradable, alimentación, tratamiento, asistencia médica, que ya en una segunda cita nos han dicho que desde aquel primer evento con él, hasta ahora, se le observa un 90% de recuperación. Ahora pregunto, hasta donde estamos dispuestos ayudar? ese es el punto que quiero destacar, a veces podemos cansarnos, y entiendo, tenemos tambien nuestros problemas y cosas que atender. Y quiero hablar por mí, se trata de un amigo, amigo de mi hijo, su padre y su madre son tambien mis amigos que necesita de ayuda, por otra parte mi familia tambien necesita de atención, considero que no es momento de dejarlos solos, no darle la espalda y que otros lo atiendan, es por eso que he hecho un horario del cual me apego en cumplir en espera de su total recuperación y pueda llevar una vida normal así como esperando que tambien se pueda ayudar a su mama. Todos los días dedico entre 3 a 4 horas en ser su compañía, la pasamos bien, salimos a pasar, compartir alguna merienda o comida, aprovechamos a conversar y escucharle, hay momentos en que entra en una crisis, pero trata de calmarse, y esperando que su tratamiento haga su trabajo. Y que paso antes, pues nos confiamos, cuando nos decían, todos están bien, tranquilo, y se daba por sentado si realmente la familia necesitaba ayuda práctica. Esto es una reacción tardía pero esperamos que haya servido de lección de no pensar en solo en un mismo si no tambien en el que está a nuestra lado.
He notado en él, que se deprime, si siente como que no saldrá de eso, se aburre, y aquí está el trabajo de todos sus amigos, de levantarle ese ánimo. Para escribir este Post lo converse con él, y estuvo de acuerdo, si quieren conocerlo, ubíquenlo aquí @fcazanova, él es Luis David, por los mementos no está activo, por la condición que tiene ahora.
Aprovecho, darle las gracias algunos amigos que ha estado ayudando en todo este proceso de recuperación de esta familia amiga, @Ferbu, @abaddon, @guiltyparties y todos unos amigos locales que ha estado muy pendiente en dar apoyo emocional y práctica. Saludos a todos Hivers.
Fotos tomadas desde mi celular , otras tomadas por Luis D. La traducción con la aplicación Dellp.
Greetings dear friends at Hive, and especially everyone in this community of Families and Friends. I would like to share something, which surely many of you already understand and I want to express it.
A little over a month ago, an event occurred where a family friend, they are three members, where the mother has been sick for years, a mental illness, which unfortunately here, we do not have responsible institutions and a lack of opportunities to maintain treatment, this led for a while that she was not given medicines, and the consequences, they imagine. They conditioned the house to keep it locked up, and so for some years, her son has been subjected to this type of environment since he was a child and once in his adolescence, he has had to take care of his mother, while his father did the same for sustenance.
How sad, of course he had his moments to study and visit his friends for his distraction, but he always had to return to that environment, as he is also friends of the house when he visited us we allowed him to stay as long as he wanted, of course to enjoy playing, having fun, eating, etc., relaxing as much as he wanted, but there would always come a time to return home. When I talked to him and asked him about his parents, I noticed that the subject was not what he liked the most. The truth is that in the past days he had to stay at home, and take care of his mother, of course it was not the first time, but apparently he spent time without sleeping well, and this brought him consequences that at one point he left home, as he told me, to relieve so much pressure, and gave him to run and get away from the environment, So much so that with some friends we took him to another house and since then he has had to be given treatment to relax him so he can sleep, at the beginning it was a challenge, but with the help of everyone here, his friends, and the help of professionals, we have been helping our friend.
Some may think, what has happened to their relatives, because they do not have them close and those who are there have not shown interest, but thanks to the fact that they do have a friend here we are. And we wanted to help them and not leave them, with everything that has happened, and have taken some initiative, his mother and sent her to professional help, is hospitalized in a clinic to try to help her recover, we have been told that it is possible to lead a more dignified life with his family, it is a matter of time and treatment, she was left with her husband and here we are with her son, helping him regain his peace of mind, is a young man with many aspirations, but aware of their limitations.
What do we do, young Luis D, we offer him good company and a pleasant environment, food, treatment, medical assistance, that already in a second appointment we have been told that since that first event with him, until now, he has a 90% recovery rate. Now I ask, how far are we willing to help? that is the point I want to emphasize, sometimes we can get tired, and I understand, we also have our problems and things to take care of. And I want to speak for me, this is a friend, a friend of my son, his father and mother are also my friends who need help, on the other hand my family also needs attention, I consider that it is not the time to leave them alone, not to turn my back on him and let others take care of him, that is why I have made a schedule which I adhere to in hopes of his full recovery and can lead a normal life as well as hoping that I can also help his mother. Every day I dedicate between 3 to 4 hours in being his company, we have a good time, we go out to spend, share a snack or meal, we take the opportunity to talk and listen to him, there are times when he enters a crisis, but he tries to calm down, and waiting for his treatment to do its job. And what happened before, well, we trusted, when we were told, everyone is fine, calm, and it was taken for granted if the family really needed practical help. This is a late reaction but we hope that it has served as a lesson not to think only of oneself but also of the one next to us.
I have noticed in him, that he gets depressed, if he feels that he is not going to get out of there, he gets bored, and here is the work of all his friends, to lift his spirits. To write this post I talked with him, and he agreed, if you want to meet him, locate him here @fcazanova, he is Luis David, for the mementos he is not active, because of the condition he has now.
I take this opportunity to thank some friends who has been helping throughout this process of recovery of this family friend, @Ferbu, @abaddon, @guiltyparties and all local friends who has been very pending in giving emotional support and practice. Greetings to all Hivers.
Photos taken from my cell phone, others taken by Luis D. Translation with Dellp application.