Jesús Armando

Musician and Blogger | Collaborator in Curation Projects such as La Colmena, Hive Open Mic, OurPick of Liotes, OCD and Throwback Thursday Community

Joined in 01, 2018
· a day ago

Since I was a child I always heard wonderful stories about the Alhambra, a place with a lot of history and that despite the passage of time still retains a very mystical atmosphere. Like the rest of Spain I never thought of visiting a place like this, for me it was a dream, but God and music had this destination planned for me, my wife and the rest of my co-workers. Being there, with the pleasant weather of early spring and the singing of birds was a heavenly experience, no matter the amount of tourists in the place, it did not affect me, they all share the same energy of love and magic of knowing that they are in a sacred place like this.Desde niño siempre escuché historias maravillosas sobre La Alhambra, un lugar con mucha historia y que ha pesar del paso del tiempo sigue conservando una atmósfera muy mística. Al igual que el resto de España jamás pensé en visitar un lugar como este, para mí era un sueño, pero la Dios y la música tenían este destino proyectado para mí, para mi esposa y el resto de mis compañeros de trabajo. Estar ahí, con el agradable clima de inicios de primavera y el canto de las aves fue una experiencia celestial, no importa la cantidad de turistas en el lugar, no me afectó, todos comparten la misma energía de amor y magia de saberse en un lugar sagrado como este.It was a long walk, surrounded by a lot of vegetation along the way and then it becomes an architectural surprise with so many old stone buildings. I confess that I did not visit all the places, I was only there for a few hours and I think it is necessary at least a full day to know each place, besides, I was close to dusk and I could not enter all the places, but just walking through the long courtyards transmits peace and makes you appreciate every detail.Fue un largo recorrido a pie, rodeado de mucha vegetación en el trayecto y luego se convie

· 1 days ago

There are not many pictures of those days, but the emotions were so pleasant and pleasant that I just need to close my eyes and go back to those times where everything was happiness, where adversity did not exist. I found these pictures of one day, I remember it was the last day at the beach that August, but our trips were for a whole week, a well deserved vacation for the four of us, since being children of teachers, we had the joy of enjoying the whole month of August as a family at the beach. It was not only this trip, it was a constant year after year, the same house, the same people and the same beach, an experience that was only taken away from us by the arrival of the dictatorship disguised as democracy...No hay muchas fotografías de aquellos días, pero las emociones fueron tan gratas y placenteras que solo necesito cerrar los ojos y regreso a esos tiempos donde todo era felicidad, donde no existía la adversidad. Encontré estas fotografías de un día, recuerdo que fue el último día de playa de ese Agosto, pero nuestros viajes eran de una semana completa, unas merecidas vacaciones para los cuatro, ya que siendo hijos de profesores, teníamos la dicha de disfrutar de todo el mes de Agosto en familia en la playa. No fue solo este viaje, era una constante año tras año, la misma casa, las mismas personas y la misma playa, una experiencia que solo nos arrebató la llegada de la dictadura disfrazada de democracia...Our love nest is in Ocumare de la Costa, in my state of Aragua. The beach that was closest to us and the one we went to the most was El Playón, it was clean in the 90's, eventually we went to other beaches, but the house was very close. It was not our house, but my brother's godfather's, but we had the privilege of having a full week there. As you can see in these photos, I was very black, I lasted hours and hours under the sun and for several days, but it was happiness. Before it was not normal to take so many pictures, and we did not have the best camera, but these I found summarize the feeling of those days. Family togetherness, support, smiles and feeling safe, like a ch

· 3 days ago

In my last musical tour in Spain I enjoyed the variety of the climate and the vegetation of many cities. I have written many times about the love I felt for the north of the Iberian Peninsula, and of all the roads we drove, the hour and a half trip between Oviedo and Comillas was unforgettable, as we were always surrounded by lakes, lagoons and the sea.En mi pasada gira musical por España disfruté de la variedad del clima y la vegetación de muchas ciudades. He escrito muchas veces del amor que me hizo sentir el norte de la península ibérica, y de todas las carreteras que rodamos, el viaje de hora y media entre Oviedo y Comillas fue inolvidable, ya que siempre estuvimos rodados de lagos, lagunas y el mar.On the way there were several drizzles, but at the same time the blue sky peeked out from behind the gray clouds. On one side you could see the lakes of different shapes and small boats that were anchored in them, very picturesque. On the other side you could also see the rocky mountains and very tall trees, all very green and made every scene look postcard perfect.En el camino hubo varias lloviznas, pero al mismo tiempo el azul del cielo se asomaba detrás de las nubes grises. De un lado se podía apreciar los lagos de distintas formas y pequeños botes que estaban anclados en ellos, muy pintorescos. Por otra parte también se veían las montañas rocosas y árboles muy altos, todo muy verde y hacía que cada escena pareciera una postal perfecta.I love having lived this experience and I hope to be able to repeat it sometime, but if it doesn't happen, I'll settle for having been there and remember every second of the road in my mind, even more than what these humble pictures show, because the beauty was so great that no

· 3 days ago

Cover edited with PhotoDirector AppWelcome to Three Tune Tuesday!. A nice space in the Music community that was born from the idea of brother @ablaze, where all participants recommend music to each other. Once again, death passes and leaves a bitter feeling in our soul, although every time it happens we have more tools to defend ourselves from the pain. Anyway, it will never be easy to say goodbye, and I don't mean only to leave this world, but to say goodbye to our relatives, our country, our friends, for different reasons. Today I just want to recommend you good songs in Spanish that talk about goodbyes, I hope you all like it...¡Bienvenidos a Three Tune Tuesday!. Un agradable espació en la comunidad Music que nació de la idea del hermano @ablaze, donde todos los participantes nos recomendamos música entre nosotros. Nuevamente la muerte pasa y nos deja un sentimiento amargo en el alma, aunque cada vez que ocurre tenemos más herramientas para defendernos del dolor. Igual nunca será fácil una despedida, y no me refiero solo a partir de este mundo, sino a despedirnos de nuestros familiares, de nuestro país, de nuestros amigos, por diferentes motivos. Hoy solo quiero recomendarles buenas canciones en español que hablan sobre despedidas, espero sea del gusto de todos...1. La Despedida by ShakiraLa Despedida is a fairly unknown song by Shakira, but it is a heartbreaking song that perfectly represents the separation of the one we love, whatever the reasons may be, its sadness and anger is the main characteristic of it. This was the first song I recorded for Hive after my great loss, and in fact the mourning has caused me not to do these covers so often. It's a very sad song, but at the time it helped me drain my feelings and express them.La Despedida es una canción bastante desconocida de Shakira, pero es una canción desgarradora que

· 5 days ago

That smile makes my life more beautiful and bearable, and although the times and life hit hard and threaten to erase it, I have always tried to make it exist, to multiply it and continue to reflect joy.... Many things break it, especially now, but I believe that God himself prepared me to be the light that guides in the darkness, that's how I feel, even though I am human and sometimes fail.Inevitably the sadness of my wife and her family also splashes over me, and without realizing it, we have been the same family for several years now. I have tried to stay active in my daily activities, but it doesn't work out. Beyond my daily commitments, my heart and soul tell me every second what is most important and where my attention should be at this moment.It is incredible how the simple existence of a person can make me so happy and that my hero instincts are always at her disposal, even if she doesn't ask me to be. Her pain hurts me and her joy is food for my soul.... Her smile is not easy to get, unlike me, her character is strong and she doesn't peel her teeth just because, so seeing it drawn on her face in a natural way is an exclusivity for the people she loves. I know that she will be a little off and it will be difficult to get her back, but I will be there with all my will to get her back.We will get back to normal, getting up from the stumbles characterizes both of us and I feel that very good times are coming. Crying is so important, it is like a cleansing of the soul, but we should not stay only there, so my mission will be to keep that smile alive, because at the same time it is because of that smile that I keep myself alive... Esa sonrisa hace que mi vida sea más hermosa y llevadera, y aunque los tiempos y la vida peguen fuerte y amenacen con borrarla, siempre he tratado de que exista, de que se multiplique y de que siga reflejando alegría... Muchas cosas la quebrantan, especialmente ahora, pero creo que el mismo Dios me preparó para ser la luz que guíe en la oscuridad, así me siento, aunque sea humano y a veces falle.Inevitablemente la tristeza de mi esposa y su famili

· 6 days ago

At the end of the day, no matter how much I try to be at peace and serene, there always come some inevitable questions for me, and the first one is: Why so?...I never cease to be surprised by this ups and downs of emotions that we call “Life”, in fact I do not understand how I could not realize before the harsh reality, I think my parents did a great job protecting me, but everything has changed, now the real life happens without a mask in front of me. Bad economy, illnesses, betrayals and deaths are very common and until recently I did not realize it, but at the same time I cannot ignore more than 30 years of blessings, love, family, friends and fulfilled dreams.I think I have learned to accept death, and again it has visited the people I love these last days. I would like to say that because it was not my immediate family it did not affect me, but that is a lie, I have learned to love my wife's family and feel a part of them, but at the same time my experience these last few days was quite wise on my part, but it is due to the learning I acquired last time, I was able to control myself and be a support for my new family. I am so sorry that it ended this way and that my girl and I lost our dads in just a year and a half apart. But I don't understand why it had to happen this way, why does there have to be so much pain and trauma for people to leave this world? I have so long without hearing about those people who just went to sleep and never woke up again? Have I always been fooled by those stories?.It is strange that of the few pine trees that I can observe in my hometown are precisely in the cemetery, I love them, but while in Spain it means natural beauty here life forces me to associate them with death...I think that lately I understand death a little more, evidently I am already more familiar with it; in fact, I think that at the end of the day I understand death more than human relationships, or perhaps the end of human relationships, couples, friends and families that separate.There is a lot of chaos around us, many ways in which life gives us lessons, strong lessons
