
Joined in 10, 2020
· 10. Mar 2024

Time keeps turning and the days keep changing, the small ones are now adults and the big ones are now old. This is what happened to the sapodilla tree that I planted myself with my hands in the garden when we were still planting it. He is so small but often travels and keeps going like this. He's grown up and this is the latest photo of the two of us in today's pretty pictures. Sapodilla fruit in our area is one of the fruits that consumers are still very interested in buying because this fruit is able to create a cool morning atmosphere and the fruit is also a very sweet fruit, so planting it in the garden is the right solution for me. At least I'm a child. I will not give you sapodilla fruit because it has already borne fruit in my own garden and it is grown by my own plants. If you can see, the type of sapodilla tree that I planted was grafted, meaning that when I was small, the person who bought it had been grafted so that this sapodilla tree wouldn't grow too big in the future, but it would bear fruit at a very small age. As for the sapodilla tree itself, it doesn't have a special place to live, meaning it can easily adapt to any area, either it won't be tall or the signs of this tree are easy to grow and it's also very happy so we can see that these plants are plants that are rarely seen. produces fruit every day, then every month starting every year it always produces fruit. I took several pictures of the sapodilla trees in my garden using my smartphone Samsung A20s with the location of Aceh and these are beautiful and original rooms that I offer as a garden owner. Today in the garden I tell stories with selfies with the plants. plants that I planted myself. ![20240307_114850.jpg](

· 9. Mar 2024

sewing is a very good job and this is an extraordinary skill. I see my friend is very good at sewing, both sewing clothes and trousers, so I see that he is a very creative person and I also see that he is a person who so clever at making clothes. This afternoon I visited his sewing business and I saw that various developments had taken place in his business both in terms of additional goods and increasingly complete equipment, as you can see more and more sewing machines and also hangers for ready-made clothes. which is increasingly overflowing. From this situation I can judge that this true friend of mine has been successful in his business world today. I am proud to have a friend who has been successful in his own business. I even immortalized several rooms with my Samsung A20s smartphone as proof that I was present at the place of business. friends I haven't been to for a long time. A unique thing about him is that he can sew old clothes, both women's clothes and boys' clothes, meaning he is able to sew two models of women's clothes, he can also sew men's clothes, he can do this too, this is an extraordinary skill. This means that we can find in the field that sometimes someone is able to sew men's clothes but can still sew women's clothes, but what happens to him is that he can do both. These are some of the images that became my posts in the cch community, I hope these images become interesting images and of course images that have a positive side. Good evening to the creators and senior friends in this great quality.

· 9. Mar 2024

Collecting types of ornamental plants is one of the things that I like, so if you go to my house and find various types of ornamental plants in my yard, this means that I am a person who likes growing ornamental plants, especially ornamental plants. It's starting to become rare and almost extinct. It's a shame if our children still know what type of plant this is. So in a way like mine I want to preserve ornamental plants which are starting to get rare and lead to extinction. Caladium ornamental plants are still easy for us to get because apart from being in our yard, we also sometimes find them in gardens in the ocean, but it doesn't rule out the possibility that this plant will become extinct because we assume too much that we can easily get this plant so we are reluctant to preserve it. This is a wrong way of thinking and I changed it all by planting it in my yard. I see this plant is very simple both in terms of leaves and in terms of the tree trunk which is very small but the leaves are very large. This tree can protect other friends when it rains. They can take shelter under the leaves which are so big while they don't care about the trunk. It is very weak and soft, but the large leaves are very capable of protecting this ornamental plant which has very big meanings and one of them is that it can help other friends such as small animals who protect it under it both in the rain and when it is out of the sun. As for the color itself, friends, of course you can see that the stem is green and the majority of the leaves are green, with only a few red dots mixed in, but as a form of decoration on the underside of the leaves, it also accepts other colors. This is one of the posts that I took for today who Medi is basically taro to make a post in the great quality amazingnature community which always continues to provide original p

· 8. Mar 2024

The pepper tree is one of the flaming trees, it will continue to grow upwards, so to plant this tree we have to attach it to other trees because this type of plant is like a flaming plant on top of other trees in my garden. pepper and finally the tree has produced fruit so this is a new fruit for me. Even though this is still the first fruit, we can already say that this is a good result of hard work, meaning that every work is done after producing results and results. Today I planted a pepper tree and it has borne fruit as I took the good picture at the time. with the pepper fruit or I took the photo myself. Planting a pepper tree is not that complicated, it is different from planting other trees, we just plant it, then we water it, after that it will grow upwards on its own, so this plant is not so fussy. This plant is a wild plant that is easy to grow anywhere, friends, of course you want to try planting it. pepper tree, then please try it because this plant doesn't need a lot of space, we can plant it next to other trees. As for the price itself, pepper is a type of plant that has a high price, so this plant is also one of the plants that farmers are starting to look at, so they finally want to try it. Are they successful in cultivating pepper? My assumption is that it will definitely be successful as long as we plant and care for it, don't half-heartedly dare to water it there in the dry season and sprinkle a little fertilizer if the pepper tree is less fertile. I took some pictures of this pepper tree with my Samsung A20s smartphone with the location in Aceh Indonesia and are also beautiful pictures for today, how I can take selfies with the plants that I planted with my own hands. ![20240307_093801.jpg](htt