! [English version]
Greetings dear friends, I wish from the bottom of my heart that you have an amazing day today, with positive thoughts and the motivation to get everything done that you have planned for today. Today I want to share with you my participation in an initiative proposed by our friend @lilianajimenez, who invites us to talk about the good habits we have.I have learned over time that habits are a fundamental part of us feeling good physically and mentally, depending on which ones we have we will experience growth or discomfort. Sometimes, I think a little bit about how different things would be if years ago I had developed one or another good habit, because at least in my case during my adolescence I dedicated myself to develop habits that actually harmed me.Still, experience comes with age, doesn't it? So even though I think about it from time to time, I don't get stuck in those thoughts. Instead, I appreciate having realized the importance of learning and developing positive habits, I appreciate that since I have seen the result of having bad habits, then I no longer want them and of course I am also grateful for having grown up with some of them.I remember many years ago a person told me that a good habit is created in three months, so if I kept doing with a little effort something I wanted to achieve that then came out naturally on a daily basis, I had to make a lot of effort those first three months. And although I don't know if this information is correct, what I do know is that when you work hard for a while to achieve a goal like creating a good habit, you achieve it.
! [English version]
In my case I must admit that I am a little more fickle, I tend to forget easily and give up, so I need constant motivation to continue with my goals. And I think this initiative is super useful because it invites you to focus on the good, and it is always comforting to know that even when it is very difficult if there are things that you have achieved with your efforts, that is a motivation to continue trying.At home since we were children we were taught the importance of reading, how it can influence you and expand your mind. From my childhood memories I can highlight those in which my mom or dad would take the time to read to me at night, I loved listening to them read to me and of course falling asleep listening to them, it was something that I normalized because they also read and I saw them do it, so I developed the good habit of reading and I do it every day even if it's just a little bit.This habit has helped me to learn a lot of things and honestly, I am still learning something new, it has helped me to form my personality and to cultivate qualities, values and also the desire to improve every day. On this path I have also learned the importance of choosing well what I am going to read, because there are readings that inspire you and make you grow, but there are others that not so much.On the other hand there are habits that I learned already in adulthood and with some help, regardless of whether or not we have some kind of emotional discomfort, going to a mental health specialist is something we should all do as part of our normal medical checkup, but although that is something I think now does not mean that I have always practiced it, in fact, I did not do it so when I went to one it was because I was already feeling very bad.
! [English version]
So it was with therapy that I developed habits that are with me today, one of them is to control my negative thoughts so that they do not control me, it took time but I have finally discovered myself doing it without thinking about it as such. In therapy I learned that these thoughts are genuine concerns of ours, and that although we should listen to them and attend to them, we decide when and where.So for a long time, I made it my homework not to let those thoughts come to me when I was doing my work or when I was going to bed to sleep, but I had to find a specific place in the house where I would sit to listen to them, and dedicate 10 minutes to it, write them down, detail them and not repress them, but when those 10 minutes were over, there was no more chance that those thoughts would come to me to make me feel bad, but until the next day 10 minutes more and in the same place.At first I thought it was something super weird, it did not make much sense, but the truth is that your mind learns not to play against you or to generate anxieties born from those negative thoughts. This became a habit and it made me sleep better since my bed is just a place to relax and rest. It also helped me feel a little better and understand. The idea is no longer rare, simply, we educate our mind without repressing what we feel.There are a lot of other good habits that I would love to develop, I know that with effort and dedication I can achieve them and thinking about what I have achieved so far, which at first seemed impossible, is something that will motivate me to do it. Having good habits are like a hug you give yourself, in which you show yourself that you also want to take care of yourself and be better every day.