Ugochukwu Ubanna

Writers and goal getter


Joined in 11, 2022
· 15. Sep 2024

Image generated using AIThe game of telling one about another's true nature—will you be glad to hear it or pick an offense?   A story between four girls who were friends living in a two-room apartment. Bella was one who I describe as an extrovert; she goes with the latest fashion, pristine skin, and light makeover; the highest of her makeup is just lip gloss. Very fashionable and fun to be with.    Chloe was more like an emotional person, very demure, kind, and a beautiful lady. Lily was not just as beautiful as the rest, but she was satisfying—someone you can talk to but not someone to keep secrets—and the introvert herself, Mia, always keeping to herself with her rounded glasses in the corner of her room with her laptop, a guru in tech.   On a sunny day when everything seems boring, everyone was on their phone chatting and grinning like high school students who just spoke to their crush for the first time, just as always. Mia was at the corner of the room, her head buried in her laptop.   “Let's play a game—a game of telling one about one's true nature. Just say whatever is on your mind about someone,” Bella said, audible enough to Mia's hearing.   “Are you interested?” she hollered at Mia, who shook her head negatively, wondering what the game was all about. She hasn't heard or played one before. As they progress in the game, Mia's ears are on the game being played, although her laptop was displayed in front of her, her mind wandering at what the others were doing.    A few minutes into the game, she got up from her seat, slammed her laptop shut, and held a hand in the air.   “I'm interested in playing,“ she said, getting herself comfortable on the coach. Others disapproved of her appearance, but instead she rolled her eyes and gave an excuse that she needed to meet a deadline, which was one of the reasons why she didn't agree to the game.   “Fine, let's start from the beginning,” Bella implored, explaining the rules to Mia, who nodded in understanding.   The battin was in Lily; she was to describe Chloe's personality, telling both her bad side and her good side.   She began, “Chloe is a kind soul who shares everything she has; she can be

· 1. Sep 2024

“How was the test?” Selena walked closer to me, where I sat dejected. I had come for a lecture just like every other student to witness an unexpected test.Image generated using Ai  It was a semester in which I could tag myself unserious. I barely have a note on the course talk, more of a test book. From the past lectures I have had so far, the course felt foreign in my ears; I didn't understand any bit of anything, and I felt bad.   I knitted my brows in disappointment; I wasn't one who hides her emotions.   “Not good; I barely wrote a thing, and I'm just so scared,” I answered Selena, who blinked her eyes in excitement anticipating my reply.   “What happened?” She asked with those fake concerns, like she wasn't bubbling inside of her for my failure. Selena was a friend, but a different kind of friend. She was beautiful; she was perfect in appearance, but something was short of her; she cared just for herself and couldn't feel comfortable when another tried to cross the line of her position. I took her as a friend because I benefited from her. She was my reading mate and always calls me out for us to go read. I knew that was what bonded us together, nothing more, and I was willing to stay through as long as I had someone to motivate me to read. Reading was the hardest thing for me, but I have come to love it gradually.   I needed space to myself, so she left while I sat down there looking into blank space, wondering what could be my fate with this course. If I didn't buckle up, I was going to fail, and that was the least I wanted for myself. I knew I had lost some marks from the unexpected test, which gave me a lot  of concern.   Standing up from the seat, I walked back like I was out of it; my face crumbled and my steps like I just lost someone. I walked back to my department. I had a lecture to catch up on in the next 15 minutes.   Time passed so easily, and the exam was fast approaching. I was satisfied with the remaining 6 courses I offered except for one, the same course that gave me a headache and a broken heart. Ever since after the test, I tried to catch up by having some notes, getting some materia

· 14. May 2024

  "I will be there in a short time," I lied with gritted teeth. It was the last phase of being at a tertiary institution. I had my project to defend.source    My group partners were the ones I could describe as carefree. They needed the work to be done while they enjoyed the fruit.   It's been six months since the strike began for academy staff at tertiary institutions. Tired of staying at home and being a liability? I sourced for a job.     Five months down the line, school resumes activities. Successfully with my final exams, then finally to face my project defense. Stress was my second name, and it could be vividly seen on my body. I lost 6kg.   I had taken some excuses for my final exams, but for my project defense, my boss wasn't having it.   System cracked dead, with little hope to type. I ended up using my phone.   "Construction of a dental mechanical mixer using locally sourced material" was my research topic.    Another day of lying; it will come a time when I will be left behind and tagged unserious.   "Hello, ma, please, I have an emergency. Could you come to the office?" I spoke to my boss on the phone, hoping she could understand my struggle.   "Jeclyn, don't even try to step away from the company unless you're fired," my boss yelled over the phone. My heart sank into my stomach with the continuous tapping of my foot.    I knew something was at stake, but was I going to risk my five years of being in school at the last minute just for a job where I was paid peanuts?   The decision was in my court. My dad had advice for me to quit while I focused on my project, but then I just couldn't have it. I was stubborn.   The next day, the call came again from my partner's, which made my heart keep throbbing within. I had nothing to tell them. They needed my attention, but I couldn't give it to them. It was something to be done together, not on a phone call.   I felt uneasy even in my sleep. I saw myself failin

· 22. Apr 2024

The bell rang, I had cold feet about the next activities. It was the end of school hours at Mary Rosary School. The next activities were food, siesta, and prep.source  Going back to the hostel was like a crawl to my skin—not because I hated sleeping but because of my bunkmate.   Our hostel was a two-story building; my hostel was on the last floor, with a total of six halls in one building. Each hall was filled with bunks ranging from 20 to 24 iron bunks.   We were all mixed up with all the classes. I was in Jss3 then. My bunkmate was in the same class as me.   I was reserved and loved my own space, which is the definition of an introvert. I hated arguments; I would rather walk away than stand and exchange words.   “Take this rubbish out of here," her voice resonated in the quiet hall. That was my bunkmate. She stays down while I stay up. I stayed up just to prevent people or friends from coming to my bed to scatter every bit or stain my white bedsheet.     I ignored her and continued removing my clothes to get my one hour of sleep.    “I'm talking to you, Jeclyn," she yelled at me. I kept my cool and continued what I was doing, acting like nobody spoke.   Her pain was that my bed cover removed strands from it, and it fell directly on her bed.   I knew how it felt to come to sleep and see so many strands of whitish substances on the bed. I apologized multiple times for those notwithstanding her insult, which I ignored.   I was remorseful about the discomfort I caused her, but it felt like my apologies meant nothing to her.   The embarrassment was great, especially when she opened her mouth to rain lots of insults at me. We became the center of attention for everyone in the hostel.   I undressed and laid back on my bed.   "Jeclyn!" she yelled my name again. Lying on my bed prompted more of the whitish substances to fall on her body this time.   She stood to her feet while I shut my eyes, facing towards the window.   “I told you to change this; buy another one," she yelled while I pretended to be asleep.   There was no doubt that her atti
