Hola mi gente linda, nuevamente les traigo un nuevo diseño de aretes, está vez un diseño que puede parecer complicado, pero es muy fácil de hacer, es bastante llamativo y sin duda alguna sería ideal para alguien con una personalidad bastante extrovertida, espero les guste, ¡Vamos con los materiales y el paso a paso!
Hello my beautiful people, again I bring you a new earring design, this time a design that may seem complicated, but it is very easy to do, it is quite striking and would undoubtedly be ideal for someone with a rather extroverted personality, I hope you like it, let's go with the materials and the step by step!
We start with a magic ring and close with a chain, we proceed to make 16 low points passing through the inside of the ring, we pull the thread to close the ring and close the low points in the first low point with a slip stitch.
For the second round we are going to go up 3 chains that will be our first double crochet and then we make 3 more chains that will be separation chains, we skip a single crochet from the previous round and in the next we will make a double crochet, we go up 3 chains of separation again, we skip a stitch and in the next we make a double crochet, and so on until we finish the round with a slip stitch in the third chain from the beginning, we will have a total of 8 spaces.
For the third round, we are going to locate the first space that we have and we will make a single crochet, we go up 3 chains that will count as a double crochet and we make 3 more double crochets within the same space, giving a total of 4 double crochets, now we are going to go up 5 chains of separation and in the next space we make 4 double crochets again and so on until we reach the end of the fabric and we close with a slip stitch in the first 3 chains.
For the last round we are going to place the center of the 4 high points of the previous round, where we will make a low point, now we proceed to link and in the space of the 5 chains, we will make a total of 15 high points, we close again in the center of the next 4 high points and we do the 15 high points again in the 5 separation chains and so on until we finish the round, we close with a slip stitch in the first low point of the beginning, we take out enough thread, we cut the thread and hide the threads, now we only have to put the rings and the hooks so that our earring is ready.
I hope you liked it, that you do it too and go out to show them off with a lot of confidence, thank you very much for all your support, for each comment that encourages me to continue bringing you my work and continue improving, I send you a big hug and I hope you have a blessed Sunday and full of beautiful things, so that tomorrow Monday you start with all the nice spirits 🌸✨