POB Photocontest: A Neighbourhood Walk in Everton

We often feel exhausted and stressed due to the fast tempo of modern-day living.
Personally, I am blessed with many nature conservations, beaches, and places to escape the rat race for an hour or two. But if we just pay attention to small detail, I am sure we can find (experience) the wonder of nature all around us without driving for hours to get out of the city.
In today's post, I want to share some images of scenes we experienced on the Molweni trail at the Everton Waterfall in the Upper Highway Area, west of Durban, South Africa. This is just a couple of minutes away from where we are living. In these images I focused on the smaller detail around us. Yes, these images were captured in a forest, but if we pay attention, we can even capture this type of images in our gardens too (which I have done several times already).
The first image is my entry for this week's POBphotocontest. The theme of the competition for this week is to: "Take a walk, look around, and capture something interesting."
It was a fresh, wet morning. Walking through the forest, it was evident that we had good rain during the night.
My first image is of a strange looking spider on his web.

A short while later, I found what seemed to be the remains of a broken web, with drops of water from the rain still being clearly visible on the the remains of the web.

Just looking around, look at the beauty created by something as simple as raindrops on these grass leaves...

Look at the bright, beautiful colours around us, emphasized by he wetness around it.

Even later on, when it wasn't all that wet anymore, the colours around us were still prominent.

And I will end this post with two images of new, colourful life on broken tree trunks.

And with that we come to the end of today's post.
Thank you for reading my post! I do appreciate it!
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