Hello friends, welcome to another beautiful day filled with so much opportunities and possibilities. I hope this meets you hail and hearty while finding meaning and purpose to your dreams and aspirations.
I feel so thankful and grateful to God Almighty for so many reasons that I may not be able to enumerate here.
Firstly, I'm so thankful for being alive and thriving, it's a rare privilege. I'm thankful for how far God's grace has brought me. For achieving some of my goals this week and for those yet to be achieved for how far I've gone towards achieving them. Having lovely family and friends to love and interact with and a shoulder to lean on in times of trouble's of life is a huge blessing not to be taken for granted. I'm so grateful.
Secondly, I'm so thankful for having a healthy (this is the manifestation of God's grace) aged mum who not only calls us almost on a daily basis but constantly prays and showers us with unquantifiable blessings that money cannot buy. I feel so eternally blessed and grateful.
Furthermore, I'm thankful for Hive Blockchain and the endless opportunities around it, most especially to
@wearealivetribe for this innovation of setting out a day where one has the opportunity to express one's gratitude to our Maker for the beautiful people around us and things to enjoy. I'm also thankful for my family's business, our loyal clients and supportive business partners.
Like I said earlier, I cannot state how blessed and grateful I am here indeed time will fail me. I'm certain that expressing gratitude for the things we have, not being anxious or focusing on those we have not creates room for more and leads to abundance. Being #thankful is a virtue.
This is me saying thank you🌹. I am #Alive Thankful Thursday🙏