another snowy moment : March 8 2025

here i am again with another snowboard trip. but let us talk about that another day when all things have cleared out. it felt great to be on that snow slopes, but i am still finding the right article to write out from the many complicated things that happened. but here is a pretty picture taken from the top of the snow slopes of marunuma kogen ski resort in gunma.

it was snowing at some point and i was glad i captured that moment. this was a perfect fit to this week's theme in #pobphotocontest, "white" is the team for this week and that is just what this picture is. let this be a snippet of what is to come.


it was a daytrip, one where you go to and return from on the same day. i have shared this to my work boss last friday, and he just said "tiresome". and rightfully so, doing many stuff on the same day is really tiresome.
i planned to wake up at 5am, but i completely missed that. if not for my housemate who started switching his room lights on, then i would have continued with my sleep and completely missed the trip. we went out of the house at 6am, my area looked so peaceful at 6am. a bit gloomy, i knew of the rain weather forecast that day.
we eventually reached shinjuku bus terminal at around 7am. there were just so many people, most were headed for some snow sport location. winter is coming to an end so i was surprised to see this much people still. the bus reception desk had the longest queue, we just barely made it in time for the bus departure at 7:20. but some people in our bus were late and 3 persons did not even came. the bus eventually left at 10 minutes later than schedule.
it was a grueling 4 hour trip to the ski resort with one service area stop. and i am skipping all of the fun stuff.


after everything, we arrived back in shinjuku with an unexpected slush. the forecasted rain iced up a bit creating this wet snow. good thing that the bus stopped at a nearby entrance to an underground passage, we were at least safe from the rain. it was still a good 30 minutes ride from this station to home, more time spent talking about what transpired that day.
when we reached home, that slush has become a full fledged snow. the flakes were so large that my phone could pick them up clearly. in my knowledge, it was the second for this year in tokyo, where snow rarely falls. and the first happened on the monday of this week. it was a really cold week, and my new housemate who just came from the philippines will surely love this development. to us people in the tropical regions, seeing snow is one of the ultimate wishes.
that snow was just enough to pile up thinly, just enough for it's presence to be seen. i'm sure this will all just melt in the next few hours, it will all be water in no time.
here is the view from my apartment after an hour. the snow was not as prominent as before, nothing but thin specks. this will surely not pile up until morning, there is just no way. i just wish that world problems are like this as well, no piling up and everything just melt away. that is just wishful thinking, but anyone can wish.
as always, AMPING KANUNAY!
all content is by yours truly unless otherwise specified
all photos are taken with a galaxy s23 ultra

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Photowalking, Skiing, Walking
168.0 cm
71.3 kg
Body Fat
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