oh this flower is blooming quite a bit early. early february is really too early for plums nor cherry blossoms. but then again, the weather has been weird for the past seasons. i guess winter was also affected by that as well. just glad to see this bloom on my way to a convenience store to buy breakfast food for tomorrow. tomorrow is a japan holiday, national foundation day. so here i am yet again on a trip, not naming it but it is the fourth for this season. if you follow my posts closely, you would have a clear idea of what it is. it involves snow.

but even before that final convenience store visit, i have been making rounds in all the nearer grocery stores. i was busy looking for what to bring, got into three other stores and bought stuff little by little. not one of them contained all the food i needed. this has become some sort of a night walk that this nightwalker has been missing for quite a while now. yet when i see a person in bicycle my instincts remain the same, take a snap. and like all the other times, this one is still a failure.
earlier that afternoon, saw this flower along the way to another grocery store. i am not even sure what it was, may be a type of daisy? but the yellow really popped, and this was just planted at the side of the road, could you believe that? oh well, daisies do not need much care i suppose.
looking back though, today has been filled with flowers and grocery shopping. so sorry for that, totally not expected.
let me end with this simple picture of a building struck by the setting sun. they call it golden hour right? golden not just because of the sun's color but also because photos taken at this hour usually looks so good. visually pleasing, this simple building looked extra special just because of that sun.
by the way, i still have a snowboarding trip to write, not one but two at this point. hope i will finally have the courage to write about it soon.
as always, AMPING KANUNAY!

all content is by yours truly unless otherwise specified
all photos are taken with a galaxy s23 ultra