
I am a Web Developer, Computer Programmer, Graphics Designer, Teacher and Trainer. While photography is my passion and story writing is my hobby.

Joined in 12, 2017
· a day ago

Hey Everyone, I hope you are all fine and doing great. This post is my entry for the weekly featured content in the #Hivelearners community. Today's topic to write about is The internet was invented on January 1, 1983, and after its invention and transformation into its modern form, a new type of fraud began, which we call cyber fraud. Through this fraud, a person sitting anywhere in the world can access your information and steal your data or money with the help of that information. Nowadays, this has become very common. I have personally witnessed many such incidents in my life where either I, my family, or my friends became victims of cybercrime and had to bear significant financial losses. The first fraud that occurred about 20 years ago happened like this: one morning, my father received a call on his number, and the caller claimed that he had won a significant prize. To claim the prize, certain things were required, and he needed to follow some steps. The caller assured us that the prize would be delivered to our home after completing these steps. For some reason, our entire family believed this and answered every question the caller asked. Eventually, the caller said that to claim the prize, we needed to send him some money. If we couldn't send money, we could send a mobile balance instead. Somehow, we were completely mesmerized and didn't question it. We sent the balance he requested and started waiting for the prize. Believe it or not, we are still waiting to this day. As soon as the balance reached him, he switched off his number, and we were left in shock, holding our heads in regret. Thankfully, it wasn't a huge amount, but a loss is still a loss. I still feel bad about how we fell for his words. Another incident happ

· 3 days ago

Hey Everyone, I hope you are all fine and doing great. This post is my entry for the weekly featured content in the #Hivelearners community. Today's topic to write about is I am living in a country where 90 out of 100 news stories are false and fabricated. The biggest contributor to this is our media channels. To increase their TRP (Television Rating Points), media channels create their news and air it to spread sensationalism. Our naive public believes it to be true and reacts accordingly.I watched a movie some time ago where fake news was spread similarly, causing riots and chaos in the country. The media does this to increase their TRP, but other motives are also behind it, primarily involving politicians. Politicians use this tactic to gain public sympathy and turn the people against their rival parties to win elections.I believe that relevant information should reach the relevant people. It shouldn't happen that crime news reaches those working on computers and fashion industry news reaches those related to crime. If this happens and wrong information/news is given, it will create chaos in society.The government's top priority should be to keep its citizens away from news that can spread a negative impact so that the people can live a peaceful life, which is their right. I have seen people being humiliated because of such negative news. I want to clarify another point here: the people of our country are very emotional and they react very quickly to such fake news. Because of this, I have seen the country's situation deteriorate. Many people have lost their lives because of it. I also have another opinion on this topic: people have the right to be informed about every piece of news. However, before that, they should be educated to react to the news according to the time and situation. It should not happen that they hear some fake news and believe it to be true without thinking, which can lead to significant damage later on. Education is very important. Our religion also emphasizes that we should not believe any news until we verify it ourselves.R

· 6 days ago

Hey Everyone, I hope you are all fine and doing great. This post is my entry for the weekly featured content in the #Hivelearners community. Today's topic to write about is I don't want to write about this topic from the heart, but I know it is necessary to write about it. I understand that writing about this will create a negative image of my country, which is an awful thing.But not writing about it would be unfair to those who are being severely affected by all this, including myself. When we talk about the influence of culture, we realize that this culture is not new; it has been there since the beginning when my country gained independence. And perhaps this trait came into us by observing the colonizers, maybe it wasn't like this before. If we look at Islamic history, justice was strictly observed in Muslim states, and no one was considered superior to others. This is why Caliph Umar bin Abdul Aziz ruled over three-fourths of the world, and his rule was established through justice. There were also Caliphs among Muslims who believed that if even an animal in their domain died of hunger, they would be accountable to Allah for it. How beautiful is that? Nowadays, an ordinary person starts to see themselves as a god, while the Caliphs of that time were truly down-to-earth personalities.I first encountered this influencer culture when I turned 18 and had to go to the NADRA office to get my ID card. There was a long line of people outside the NADRA office. I needed to get my ID made, so I joined the line. The first line was for those getting tokens, and the second line was for entering the office where further processing would take place. It took me almost 2 hours to get the token, and after getting it, I joined the second line. But wait, while standing in line, I noticed that some people were going directly into the office without waiting in line. I didn't know who they were. Believe me, they went inside and

· 8 days ago

Hey Everyone, I hope you are all fine and doing great. This post is my entry for the weekly featured content in the #Hivelearners community. Today's topic to write about is I would like to start this post with this beautiful quote I don't know if people will believe this about me, but caring is my nature. I always try my best to take care of the people around me to the fullest extent possible, and I also strive to ensure that no one is hurt because of me.When I see someone in distress, I can't help but try to assist them. I do everything I can to help that person, sometimes it's possible and sometimes it isn't. That's just part of life. Let me share something related to this with you.For several years, the situation in our country has been deteriorating, and we frequently hear about various incidents. Sometimes someone gets their mobile snatched, and other times people lose their lives due to target killings. Some are kidnapped or have their bikes or cycles stolen when they offer someone a lift. Imagine living in such an environment; you probably wouldn't offer anyone a lift, right? But I'm not like that. I leave this matter to my faith in Allah, and I believe that since I don't wish harm upon anyone, Allah will protect me from harm. This is part of my faith, so if someone asks me for a lift while I'm on the road, I give it without hesitation. Believe me, nothing bad has ever happened to me because of this. The people I help reach their destinations always bless me with their prayers, and that makes me very proud.If there ever comes a time in my life when I need to sacrifice myself to save others, I will do so without hesitation. I wish that all the bad people in this world, those who are doing bad things, would stop their wrongdoings and live peacefully with one another. I have been in this world for 32 years now, and believe me, things are getting worse instead of better. The more we try to do good, the more bad things happen. We

· 13 days ago

Hey Everyone, I hope you are all fine and doing great. This post is my entry for the weekly featured content in the #Hivelearners community. Today's topic to write about is I would like to start this post with this quoteBefore I begin this post, I want to let everyone know that I love animals very much. This is just an experience that life gave me. Because of this experience, I became very afraid of dogs. Whenever I saw a dog on the way, I would either avoid that path entirely or wait for someone older to help me pass by.This happened when I was in 8th grade. We lived in a village at that time, and as you all know, people in villages love to keep pets. Every household had its own pet, and usually, these dogs would be sitting outside each house.I am very passionate about cricket, and that day, we had planned to play cricket and everyone was supposed to gather in a ground near our homes. I got on my bike and headed towards the ground. There were two ways to get to the ground: one was a bit longer, and the other was shorter. I chose the shorter route, which I had taken many times before. There were usually 2 or 3 dogs sitting outside a house on that route, and they had never bothered us before. I was in a hurry because my friends were waiting for me on the ground.As soon as I passed by that house, the dogs started chasing me, and I began to pedal faster. I was so scared that I forgot I was supposed to go to the ground. To escape from the dogs, I was taking my bike through different alleys. They were still chasing me. I had lost my way, but after a while, I collected myself and paid attention to the road. I then started heading towards the ground where my friends were waiting for me. The dogs were still behind me, but as soon as I reached the ground, the dogs stopped and turned back upon seeing so many people.My breath was very fast, and despite not wanting to, I started crying. That day was one that I can never forget. After that day, I became afraid of dogs and r
