De paseo por el Centro comercial Sambil 🛍️💗 [ESP-ENG]


Hola amigos de esta agradable comunidad hoy quería compartir con ustedes lo que fue otra salida con mi mamá...el día de hoy estuvimos paseando por el centro comercial Sambil,queríamos pasar una tarde diferente y pues decidimos hacerlo en este centro comercial.
En lo que llegamos compramos unos helados y estuvimos caminando y hablando,hasta que nos llamo la atención una tienda y decidimos entrar a curiosear...En la tienda “El Tijerazo"
hay de todo,desde tazas para café hasta ropa para damas, caballeros y niños,yo me enamore de unas tazas para café preciosas,pero como dije no pensábamos comprar nada solo estábamos viendo. 😊
Después dimos un montón de vueltas por el centro comercial porque no encontrábamos Farmatodo jajaja y yo quería comprar unas cosas ahí,el centro comercial es muy grande y es fácil perderse y yo había ido a ese Farmatodo pero hace mucho tiempo y ps no me acordaba bien donde ubicarlo.
Al fin encontramos farmatodo y pude comprar lo que buscaba,que eran productos para el cabello y otras cositas económicas y diferentes que no había visto antes,fue una bonita y divertida tarde jajaja espero que se repita pronto.🙌🏻
Gracias por leerme,lindo fin de semana para todos ❤️
Hello friends of this nice community today I wanted to share with you what was another outing with my we were walking around the Sambil shopping center, we wanted to spend a different afternoon and we decided to do it in this mall.
As soon as we arrived we bought some ice cream and we were walking and talking, until a store caught our attention and we decided to go in and look around...In the store "El Tijerazo" there is everything from mugs to mugs for the kids.....there is everything,from coffee mugs to clothes for ladies,gents and kids,I fell in love with some beautiful coffee mugs,but as I said we were not planning to buy anything we were just browsing. 😊
Then we went around a lot of times in the mall because we couldn't find Farmatodo hahaha and I wanted to buy some things there,the mall is very big and it's easy to get lost and I had been to that Farmatodo but a long time ago and ps I didn't remember well where to locate it.
Finally we found Farmatodo and I was able to buy what I was looking for, which were hair products and other cheap and different things that I had not seen before, it was a nice and fun afternoon hahaha I hope it happens again soon.🙌🏻
Thanks for reading me,nice weekend to all of you ❤️
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