My Actifit Report Card: November 30 2024

So here I thought last weekend was my final hike for the Autumn season but turns out the tour group I usually join had this last minute expedition for one of my Saturday's off, and I always wanted to go see Vall de Nuria since they advertised it at the start of the season, so here I am!
This particular shot was taken from the funicular you can take to see some higher views of the surrounding 3000-metre mountains. There were some artificial ice covering the mountains from their ice canons, but I saw some photos from the exhibition that this is the perfect place to go skiing when the peaks are fully coated by snow!
Thanks to the sun and blue skies though, it wasn't much of a cold day, but you bet my hands were freezing in my gloves by the time our group was set to take the railway back to the town of Queralbs once the sun was setting by 5PM.
Overall another productive way to spend the weekend out! Let's see what the winter season brings, maybe I'll finally get to see snow! ❄️
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