Un lindo encuentro entre Hivers [ESP/ENG]

*Como no amar a Hive, si gracias a 茅l, he conocido personas maravillosas...*馃槏
Amigos un gusto compartir con ustedes nuevamente, en esta oportunidad quiero mostrarles y hablarles de un grato encuentro entre Hivers.
Como siempre, buscamos reunirnos de vez en cuando, aunque a veces cuesta, s茅 que todos tienen sus ocupaciones, sus cosas, pero esto es algo que hacemos espor谩dicamente, y me da mucha tristeza pensar que no todos les da la atenci贸n e inter茅s que deber铆an darles a dichos encuentros, pero bueno, as铆 son las cosas, igual me sent铆 a gusto haber compartido un rato con estas dos chicas maravillosas @divergente1 @divergente1
A m铆 me encanta hablar de Hive, de todo lo que vivimos, sufrimos para crear contenido jajaja, es bueno hablar con otras personas de estas experiencias, del sube y baja de la moneda, de lo que cuesta tener ideas para el contenido, cumplir con las reglas de la comunidad, en fin, tantas cosas, sobre todo lo que uno va aprendiendo en el camino, desde que iniciamos hasta la actualidad, todo lo que hemos cambiado y mejorado.
Bien sabemos que nada es perfecto en esta vida, y la blockchain no escapa de ello, como todo, tiene sus cosas, a veces nos frustramos con ella, todo lo que vemos, los cambios, todo es un proceso, pero bueno, lo importante es disfrutar de lo que hacemos, sin enfocarnos en buscar la perfecci贸n, porque bien saben, que eso no existe.
Como yo siempre digo, aqu铆 lo importante es la constancia, seguir creando, interactuando, compartiendo, intentarlo, no cuesta nada, o si...馃槒
Me encanto haberme reunido con estas chicas, muy alegres, optimista y con gran carisma; hablamos de todo un poco, sobre nuestras experiencias en Hive, todo lo que hemos pasado, sin embargo, aqu铆 seguimos, porque como dije, esta blockchain, nos aporta grandes cosas, no solo monetarias, sino que nos incentiva a ser creativos, y nos permite conocer nuevas personas.
Espero y deseo de todo coraz贸n que el pr贸ximo a帽o sea mejor, que estos encuentros se den m谩s seguidos, que todos puedan asistir, as铆 sea un ratito, cr茅anme, chicos, vale la pena, salir de la rutina un instante.

馃挐Bueno mis amigos, que tengan felices fiestas, que sigan disfrutando, creando, siendo felices, hasta la pr贸xima.馃挐


*How not to love Hive, if thanks to him, I have met wonderful people...*馃槏.
Friends a pleasure to share with you again, this time I want to show and tell you about a nice meeting between Hivers.
As always, we seek to meet from time to time, although sometimes it costs, I know that everyone has their occupations, their things, but this is something we do sporadically, and it makes me very sad to think that not everyone gives them the attention and interest they should give to these meetings, but well, that's the way things are, I still felt good to have shared some time with these two wonderful girls @divergente1 @divergente1
I love to talk about Hive, about everything we live, we suffer to create content hahaha, it's good to talk with other people about these experiences, the ups and downs of the currency, what it costs to have ideas for content, comply with the rules of the community, in short, so many things, especially what one is learning along the way, since we started until today, everything we have changed and improved.
We know that nothing is perfect in this life, and the blockchain does not escape from it, like everything, it has its things, sometimes we get frustrated with it, everything we see, the changes, everything is a process, but well, the important thing is to enjoy what we do, without focusing on seeking perfection, because well you know, that does not exist.
As I always say, here the important thing is perseverance, keep creating, interacting, sharing, trying, it doesn't cost anything, or it does...馃槒
I loved meeting with these girls, very cheerful, optimistic and with great charisma; we talked about everything a little, about our experiences in Hive, everything we have gone through, however, here we continue, because as I said, this blockchain, brings us great things, not only monetary, but it encourages us to be creative, and meet new people.
I hope and wish with all my heart that next year will be better, that these meetings are given more often, that everyone can attend, even for a little while, believe me, guys, it's worth it, to get out of the routine for a moment.

Well my friends, have happy holidays, keep enjoying, creating, being happy, until next time.

  • **RECURSO / RESOURCE:** **Pictures:** Photos Phone Tecno Pop 7 **Translation/Traducci贸n:**馃憠[ DeepL Traductor](https://www.deepl.com/translator) **Edition/Edici贸n:**Cover and banner with Canva /Portada y banner con Canva **Edition/Edici贸n :**Canva Separator/Separador Canva

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