Hello there! Welcome to our digital spaceship castle.

Artwork credit -
@jimramones on steemit
Welcome back.
Apologies the judging took a little longer than expected again.
I guess I just can't help but say that I am a bit bummed that so many people who told me they might be able to play or that they actually would be there didn't show up or didn't even message me back to let me know they couldn't make it.
Even a couple of the judges stopped responding right after they said they would help as well and I know things are busy and crazy in the world, though... In the end, I'm glad we even had two players so that we could finish this season and have a winner, though we had double that... We had four players which will give us two rounds so despite being a lil bummed I am grateful we can still do this! :)
Also... I'm not sure I want the championship to fall sometime in between Christmas and the New Years because people might be extra busy, so I'm thinking we should hold it sometime in earlier January.
Let's aim for the 4th of January to hold the IFC championship. If that doesn't work for anyone let me know. (I'll try to contact you soon and let you know if you don't see this first)
So who is going to be facing off in the championship? Let's read down below to find out.
Vote Round 20
@apolymask - This is really hard to judge, but... I kinda feel like plushzilla's entry was more in the spirit of what I was looking for originally and I really enjoyed reading it and appreciated what he had to say.
Yet... Even though bengy was sort of critical and skeptical and sort of dismissive about the idea of synchronicity I felt like he really put a decent amount of work into his post and I learned the most from his entry.
So, I'm really torn here... This is one of the more difficult rounds that I've ever had to decide in this contest.
In regard to jbreheny versus owietus, I feel like both of their entries were kind of quick and simplistic.
I think owietus provided some very interesting synch info in my opinion, yet... Jbreheny was on topic even if I didn't understand the song synch as much and he made me laugh numerous times and I think laughing is very important in life, so once again a very tough decision.
After much contemplation... I'm giving 2 to bengy and 1 to plushzilla.
I feel like bengy had the most comprehensive, detailed and informative entry even if I didn't totally agree with it, I still learned the most from it and that's why I voted the way I did.
And then for the second matchup I'm giving 2 to jbreheny and 1 to owietus because jbreheny I think put a bit more time into his entry and he made me laugh numerous times and I really appreciate that more than ever these days.
@jamesrussell - So on the sheer amount of time and he put into the post and photos that are well sourced, I am giving bengy 2 coins and Plushzilla 1.
Owietus 1 and jbrehenny 2, mainly because Owietus put a little bit down without much effort as if this was not a contest, he could have added content or made something up to go with his writing or at least stuck a picture in there, but jbreheny as usual is a class act, he does skirt the issue of "synchronicity" in the "spiritual" sense but he's entertaining as hell and has an awesome sense of humor.
@viking-ventures - okay - for jbreheny versus owietus... I'm going to have to go with owietus 2 and jbreheny 1.
The reason is that most of jbreheny's post is the Police song. I don't know what this had to do with synchronicity in the contestant's life and despite the relevance of the song to the topic, I am not convinced this contributed much to the contest. owietus shared some pretty quirky details that definitely related to me. I refrained from giving owietus the extra point because I didn't feel the amount of effort put into it was quite what we'd expect of a final in this contest.
bengy vs plushzilla
I'm going to have to go with plushzilla 2, bengy 1
I like bengy's entry - and find it relates well to me, but I like how plushzilla relates things to their own personal experience better
@wesphilbin - Between Bengy and Plushzilla...
Wow... both very on topic and relative. Factual, well written, and proper sources etc. Loved them both, but the post by Plushzilla was more "my feel" than Bengy. I'd therefore give the following:
Bengy: 1
Plushzilla: 2
Between jbreheny and owietus.
Another tough call. I too am a musician. Used to play drums in a prog/rock band before Multiple Sclerosis hit, but didn't let this influence my judging.
Again... both posts are relative... adding the song was a more personal touch, but owietus post hit more to my "vibe". So then...
Owietus: 2
Jbreheny: 1
@jizzyjoe - I have read through them and the entries were interesting to read but I don't understand how synchronicity is related to jbreheny song, you made the job a bit difficult by pairing bengy and plushzilla
Bengy -2 points, he gave a constructive and scientific point of view on synchronicity which all who read it should think twice about the word and understand it more better
Plushzilla -1point, I also enjoyed his write up as he gave some personal example of synchronicity but bengy's entry was a strong one to be against
Jbreheny- 1point, like I said above, didn't see the connection of synchronicity in the song.
Owietus- 2point, though it was a short entry but it was related to synchronicity and with personal example
The total is..
Wow, that was close! I admit I'm a bit surprised. Well done and for the two finalists
@bengy and
@bengy we have one more round to see who becomes the champion.
Thanks again for playing. I look forward to the final round and finding out who the second IFC champion will be. :)
See you on January 4th if everything goes well! <3
I was a little unsure about how to do the leaderboard this season without being too confusing, so... I'm going to put those who have won points from season 2 on top, and will keep those from season 1 on the bottom.
I think at the end of the season I will likely combine both season 1 and 2 scores together. If you played in season 1 you still have your exp and items, I'm just showing it this way so it's easier to keep track of who is in their proper ranking place during the new season.
Also if you scored any points so far you are automatically entered into the finals as it only takes 1 point this season to get entered into the finals. Players from last season will not be entered into the finals unless they score at least 1 point during this new season 2.
Season 2 stats.
@ayushjalan 5-54-0
@ayushjalan 3-47-0 previous season score is 1-12-0
@ayushjalan 2-33-0 previous season score is 1-10-0
@ayushjalan 2-30-0
@ayushjalan 2-25-0
@ayushjalan 2-18-0
@ayushjalan 1-16-0
@ayushjalan 0-13-0 previous season score is 3-30-0
@ayushjalan 1-10-0 previous season score is 1-08-0
@ayushjalan 1-09-0
@ayushjalan-in 1-09-0 previous season score is 1-09-0
@ayushjalan 0-09-0
@ayushjalan 0-09-0
@ayushjalan 1-08-0
@ayushjalan 0-02-0 previous season score is 4-43-1
@ayushjalan-haven 0-01-0
@ayushjalan 0-01-0
Season 1 stats.
kryptocek 6-53-1 Sacred Crystal
bashadow 4-43-1 ???
plushzilla 3-30-0
amariespeaks 3-23-0
har5h 2-59-1 KryptoCheck Shield
iexplore 2-36-0
eaglespirit 2-35-0
mr-bike 2-18-0
youhavewings 2-16-0
jan23com 1-48-1 Occult book + eye
sandrina.life 1-14-0
jbreheny 1-12-0
artgirl 1-11-0
magicalmoonlight 1-11-0
bengy 1-10-0
swolesome 1-09-0
wholeself-in 1-09-0
kenneth1 1-09-0
warpedpoetic 1-09-0
auminda 1-09-0
simplymike 1-08-0
xomegax 1-08-0 now a judge
bitpizza 1-07-0
losthippie 1-07-0
boladayl 1-06-0
noisyboy 1-05-0
giddyupngo 1-05-0
grizzman 0-08-0
deliberator 0-04-0
sophiabydesign 0-02-0
lynncoyle1 0-01-0
nxtblg 0-01-0
yura81 0-01-0
mnallica 0-01-0
lahvista 0-01-0
chrisroberts 0-01-0
laurawhite 0-01-0
beeyou 0-01-0
gerrardihno 0-01-0