Weekend & Treats

March is a favorite wedding month in the region. There were several invitations, most of which we did not attend due to time constraints and location; one was from a niece vacationing from the other side of the pond. This week, two were in our neighborhood. We missed the church ceremonies, but we graced the parties, at least. The recent one was yesterday.
After that, we bought ice cream on our way home. We were excited to dig into it, but upon opening, we were somewhat dismayed because it was obvious the content had melted before and then was frozen again.
It doesn't make it less of an ice cream, noh? So, we enjoyed it and satisfied our cravings.
Later in the afternoon, another treat found its way to our table. My nephew arrived and brought a box of locally made buko pie, one we had wanted to taste but was always sold out each time we passed by the shop.
The picture on the packaging looked mouthwatering.
Taa-daa! Here's the real thing. "Where is the crust?" the Farmboy was in disbelief.😅 "Look under. It might be there," I laughed.
Then we had one slice each, followed by another, then one more. Oh well, sometimes we judge too soon.
We thought it would taste similar to those from the Viscayas, but I tell you, it was by far the yummiest buko pie we have had in a while.
The cheese toppings were a delight to the taste buds. The husband liked it a lot. And you may have guessed, the box was empty in no time. Happy tummies, yay!
Then we drove to the other town, where I spent the night with Mom. She no longer cringes in pain but prays someone will come to take her soon, for she knows not the way. It is heartbreaking to see her so frail and sick, but I always put on a brave face in their midst. It's challenging, but I did not want to fall apart when everyone almost did...

All pictures are my own. 16032025/07:38ph
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