Joining the Club Using My Existing Hive Account

Hola! So I'm in!
I learned about this new interface and community the other day through the Saturday Savers Club post. Reading through the comment section, I came across Starkerz reply to Alonicus, re:
My curiosity was piqued, so I checked one of the recommended videos. It said that one must first install the XVerse wallet (Chrome extension) and the Wallet of Satoshi (on Android). After doing so, I proceeded to the next steps as follows:

Joining the community

The homepage contains helpful tutorials (Installing Hive Keychain and XVerse wallet extensions). Navigating the next link (One Btc Club) on the site, I discovered that one can join by creating a new account but should have at least 5k sats on his XVerse wallet.
I was chuffed to see that I do not need to create a new one but can join using my existing Hive account. Brilliant!
I thought I'd try, although I read from the other testers that they attempted to do that but were unsuccessful, so they created new accounts.
After typing my Hive username (without the @ sign) and then clicking on "Get btc address", the XVerse wallet popped up with the connection request.
After approving the request to add my existing account, I was asked to Sign Message (my Hive username, the BTC and Ordinals addresses from my XVerse wallet have been automatically obtained)
Then, it was time to connect the account. This step required approval using Hive Keychain. After confirming and connecting, it was time to log in to the OBC interface.

Logging in (

The interface is very familiar as it is similar to Ecency, which reminded me of the breakaway communities I have heard about before from theycallmedan and starkerz. I have no doubt this is one of such and was confirmed later when I read this post.
Anyway, after getting in, it was time to edit my profile settings and add the Lightning wallet address (I used Wallet of Satoshi), which assigned me a strange address., lol!
From what I read, one can also use the address from the v4v app, so I might change mine with it soon!
I did fund my XVerse wallet with some sats (to post through the interface, one needs at least 5k sats).
So I am in the club, and this is my first post through the frontend. I just had to experience it.
It is quite exciting to receive some sats while earning HP and HBD too! I did notice that @btc4content is set as a default beneficiary to receive 30% of a post's payout. A little too much?
A few observations:
  • Easy navigation and there are not many links or menus on it.
  • Posts are categorized based on the poster's BTC balance.
  • The feeds on the frontend take time to load.
  • No option for post scheduling
Overall, it has that familiar feel (Ecency), even when drafting a post, attaching images, and such.
So, that is it! Let's see how things go. Cheers!

Lead image edited on Canva. Screenshots are from OBC onboarding and OBC frontend. 12032025/07:35ph
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