Happy #thankfulThursday 🎉 I have come to realize that these days I will need to work on refilling my positive vibes daily. I think it will take some time before I am filled once again. Today I celebrate a mini victory as I made time after work hours to head out and trek to a nearby grocery called Dali. I spotted it the last time I was with my brother and niece and it's just a couple of blocks away from home and from the bread shop where I can also buy freshly baked breads. It's no easy task for me to be doing a lot of walking, but I do push myself to do this activity esp. when I need to buy some stuff. 1,798 steps and now I'm just sitting and resting my hip from the walk. Glad there's therapy this coming Sunday. I feel like I need it. 🙏❤️💡

Grieving is a process. It will take some time before we get over losing Bon. His aquamation is scheduled for today. I got the photos from the company that we enlisted for this service. I'll share more updates once I have his remains back home. 🙏❤️💡
Prompt A Day : Quote
"Do not wait for leaders; do it alone, person to person." - Mother Teresa
shoutout to @shadowspub for the daily prompt (subscribe to her newsletter) I do admire people with advocacies who take it upon themselves to make a difference in the lives of others. We all know we couldn't totally rely on government or even institutions, as these mostly have their own agenda. I think what our world needs right now are individuals who are willing and able to work on building and helping communities thrive. It would be possible if everyone will be working hand in hand. Cooperation -- and not competition -- is what the world needs at this time. I'm not sure my country is ready for it at the moment. I can only pray for the best. 🙏❤️💡

Two more work days to go. Somehow I want it to be the weekend already. 🙄 The moon is almost full tonight too. Saw how lovely it is when I was watering the plants in the garden. 🌕
I actively work on these affiliate sites daily. Next goal is set on LL as I'm like ten cents away from $4. I'm now aiming for the next dollar up.
Alas, I did not feel it earlier but now I feel tired. 😆 I did push myself to do that walking earlier. I even spotted my brother outside his bank branch where he said they just finished a meeting. I just said hi and told him I'm on my way home. I just bought some stuff from the grocery next to his work place.

It's a wrap. I'm going to enjoy a bit more of the cooling before I head to bed. Do enjoy your day. Wishing you an advance happy weekend. Nighty night from Manila. Ta-tah! 👋

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