Holybread Update - Potions, Premium Lite, small changes

It's time for another update. We promised to give Breadcrumbs more ingame usecases until the end of February and now it's time to launch the update. These are the first real usecases for Breadcrumbs besides the distribution of our prize pool. The update will be activated in the next hours and the server will be down for roughly 5-15 minutes.

1. Premium Lite

Players will be able to activate Premium Lite. It's like a subscription which can be stopped at any time. The payment is automatically once activated and is paid in Breadcrumbs (ingame) every 24 hours.
Premium Lite is a smaller version of Premium and gives the following advantages:
  • 12 more slots in the item inventory
  • 3 more slots in the hero inventory
  • Saved energy tank size increased to 200
Premium Lite is perfect for players who can't afford Premium and still want to have part of the premium advantages.

2. Potions

There is a new section in the game called "Potions". Players are able to choose between seven different potions with different buffs. It's only possible to have three of these potions active at the same time so players have to decide which they like the most. Do I want my team to be stronger? Do I want more Gold? Do I want more items? Players have to make a decision.
The seven potions also come in three different sizes so every player is able to afford them. Potions last for seven days and cost Breadcrumbs or Bread.

3. Small changes

With this update we also make a few small changes:
  • Repairing items costs Breadcrumbs instead of Gold
  • Durability for new items is lower now (normal items 100 instead of 200)
  • Rerolling items in the item store is slighly more expensive now
In addition to the changes you can send your Breadcrumbs from Steem Engine back ingame.

Next future updates

Combining items

We won't give much details but it will be possible to combine similar items into a stronger one.

Giving inactive heroes usecases

Heroes which are not in the team will have the option to do passive jobs to generate xp, gold etc.

We are excited to see the update in action. We are already working on the next updates.
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