Holo everyone! We've been quite busy before the holidays and have some good news to share with the community! We are very close to inviting a few testers over to our closed alpha, this means that soon a few lucky (selected) testers will be able to check out the game and test it. They'll be giving us feedback on the gameplay, some of our creature moves that are mostly of the physical/normal type currently along with status/stats changing moves, our healer abilities and to continue looking for the right balance of creature Health Points, Defense, Attack and Agility.
We will be asking the testers not to share any footage with the community for the time being as we're awaiting our 3d assets to be finalized which have made great progress since we've found a bigger team working on them, our first healer for instance is almost ready! The closed alpha testing will last a while as we implement some more things we want tested and ready for the beta, this includes creature moves for each type: fire, grass, ice, water, ground, bug, flying and normal. Along with healer synergies with creature friendly creature types and resistances against enemy creature type moves.
We have also yet to start making VFX for our moves, heals and capture attempts but it feels great to start seeing things fall into place at a better pace! We hope that once we feel the game is ready to show to the community we can then shortly after also open the alpha up to more players to stress test our servers to make sure we're ready for the beta which will let everyone start fresh at level 1 with their starter nfts from alpha vials and a minted healer but with a jumpstart in Holo Dust if you're actively participating in the December Calendar event!
Now let's get to the main point of this post today, we've gone ahead and done some much delayed work on picking the names for our rare Dragon type creatures. These creatures will have a very low encounter rate and since in the beta encounters themselves will be quite limited per player on a daily basis, you can expect that only a small percentage of players will be so lucky to encounter one daily thus you ought to make sure to attempt to capture if you see one, especially if they have the holo hue! Furthermore, most players will be encountering the normal type dragon to start off with at the lower levels, once healers and their team start getting to the higher level caps they may have a chance at encountering evolved dragons of a certain creature type. These dragons all start as normal and upon hitting a certain level range players will be able to allow the dragon to evolve but they won't be able to decide which type it evolves into as that will be random. With this we wanted to encourage players to actively trade with each other if their goal is to get one of each dragon types!
When it comes to the names, we wanted the mysticism of how rare these dragon creatures are to reflect on the naming while at the same time allowing the name to be able to evolve along with the creatures, if you remember
our post with the naming contest and then our next post
showcasing the first evolution of the dragon type creatures it was important for us that the names have room to evolve as we also have a 3rd evolution ready for each of these dragons although we haven't revealed them yet because they won't be making it into the beta due to the level cap. While hosting these contests are a ton of fun and we received so many unique and amazing entries which helped us in coming up with an idea of the naming, we had to unfortunately go the route of picking the names ourselves and then checking if some were close with their suggestions to give them the contest rewards. The only exact name we liked that was suggested came from
@hamsterpoweriii for the base normal type dragon which is:
The name of the base normal type was okay for us to stand out to the others and we especially liked the inclusion of the word zing in it! So congratulations to
@hamsterpoweriii, we have tipped 50 Hive to your comment suggestion!
There were 3 other users that came really close to the names we ended up picking, you can check how close they were by scrolling through the comment section
of the post and looking for the suggestions by
@julsdraws &
@julsdraws-01 and
@julsdraws, we decided to reward them 25 hive each for almost picking the same name we ended up going with!
Without further ado, here are the names for the evolved dragon types and their next evolution!

Keep in mind that there are still one more evolution stage for these creatures as mentioned earlier, we may reveal them in the near future in case we need a filler post if we don't have much to announce (:P), but the plan is to not include them in the beta of the game but further down the line instead when level caps become higher and we know the 3d team can do them justice as they'll require quite a lot of work due to the details and size!
Last but definitely not least, a new normal-type creature enters our roster! This one we have to admit came to us quite randomly as we learned about the breed name sounding similar to our project so we had to come up with something cool to include and it also made the naming of the first evolution easy!
Xolo will be a fast and agile normal type creature who'll be one of the first to learn the move Bite. We liked the Xolo breed a lot and thought it'd fit well to mix it with an Egyptian vibe for the style of this creature. We also didn't have a dog creature in the game yet so we needed something to chase the many Miu's around!
Xolo will evolve into Xolobis, the name as you may have figured out comes from Anubis along with bis standing for "best in slot" in other RPG games some players may recognize. Although we'll do our best to keep our creatures well balanced, you're going to want a Xolobis in your party at higher levels as you'll get speed, agility and high damage output with this creature! While they may not have a lot of defense and HP, they'll definitely make up for it with bites and scratches that can cause bleed damage to enemy creatures even after they've left the battle!
Lastly for real this time, the proposed zing distribution changes after reflecting on the suggestions in our previous post and considering community input, thank you to everyone [who participated in the discussion!](https://peakd.com/hive-131131/@holozing/introducing-our-first-non-tradable-material-new-december-advent-calendar-and-some-suggestions-on-zing-distribution-changes)
The distribution for achievements is temporarily lowered and we plan on increasing it further once the game is in beta and have a ton of achievements waiting for players to earn as they start playing the game. Keep in mind that achievement weights may be off at this time but we'll be adjusting them to accommodate the correct weight for the harder achievements which are currently Contributor and Referral.
Collection Rewards are also prone to be adjusted further based on vial sales and of course, once the vials can be opened and the game is playable in the beta where all creatures and items will have their own weight to decide how much pull you have on that distribution.
Let us know what you think of the upcoming distribution changes, the names of our dragon-type creatures and our newest creature!
Stay tuned by following us on Hive @holozing
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##### Witnesses involved in @holozing if you'd like to support them with your vote:
- @ocd-witness
- @peakd
- @rishi556