I like words.
Adelaide, South Australia
We don't yet have a space elevator. It would be a pretty big engineering process. In 1979, Arthur C Clarke wrote about some strands of carbon filament that would stretch through the sky, beyond the atmosphere, through to orbit, and be a gateway to the stars.
This game is an absolute blast if you've ever dreamed of running your own card shop! It really nails what it feels like to be behind the counter of your local game store. Even if you haven't dreamt of this, it is still so much fun.
Against the Storm surprised me. Not only had I seen about 20% of my friends on Steam playing the game simultaneously, but its enormous amounts of hours played, in total, are what truly caught my attention. What can captivate a person to play a game for so long, and for so many different sessions?
I finally upgraded to my dream lens. What it is? Why of course, its the Nikon Nikkor Z 85mm f/1.2 (and it is enormous!) This lens represents a significant upgrade to my old f/1.8 variant of the lens, but comes at a price difference that is eye watering. For the price of one f/1.2 85mm from Nikon, you could purchase about four f/1.8 lenses! Yikes!
Note: all images featured in this post are my own photographic work.As someone who's recently tried to migrate my photography workflow to Linux, I need to vent about why open-source alternatives still aren't cutting it. Let me break down the frustrations I've encountered with the major players.
In case you've missed my other posts where I've indicated as such, I've moved house. As a result, I have a brand new office room, which I've already written about in a prior post. Further more, I have a single car garage and a driveway in which to store my only vehicle, which means that like many great failed photographers, I get to use my affectionately named car hole as a studio space on the rare occasion that someone wishes to be photographed by me.