I like words.
Adelaide, South Australia
In the coming days, I'll get my second ever payout from Twitch. My first was back in April 2022, and it has taken a further three years to reach the payout threshold once more. I streamed, of course, a lot of Splinterlands, a lot of Baldur's Gate, and many of my coop gaming sessions that occurred on Tuesday evenings my local time (though, they've moved to Mondays) and I haven't telecast them for quite some time.
As part of the latest Sony State of Play, an announcement that Stellar Blade is coming to PC was made. The game already has a Steam page and looks to be all glitz and glam, with the addition of a new photo mode, and some upcoming DLC that will integrate with the developer, Shift Up's other intellectual properties.
While Arthur C. Clarke's original "Rendezvous with Rama" captivated me with its pure sense of wonder and discovery, I love "Rama II" even more. It takes that foundation (not an Asimov pun) and builds upon it masterfully, creating a narrative that balances human drama with genuinely interesting cosmic mysteries. This sequel, published 16 years after the original, enriches the exploration narrative with both deeper character development and a heightened sense of danger that keeps readers on the edge of their seats.
Yes, I'm back at "A" again, with a new title that was added to my library not so long ago.Imagine gathering your friends around a discord channel, the excitement palpable as you embark on a new cooperative adventure. Across the Obelisk is a game that captures the essence of camaraderie, blending the chaos of multiplayer fun with the strategic depth of deck-building rogue-likes.
Amazing. The Matrix is probably my favourite film. The plot. The visuals. The action. The philosophy. The tech. The everything. I love it entirely. There's something magical about watching The Matrix exactly as it was meant to be seen – through the whirring mechanics of a 35mm projector, in a theater that feels like it's been waiting decades to tell this story. (And has its original, ancient carpet) One night in December, Adelaide's Piccadilly Cinema, that art deco jewel in, transformed into a mecca of both nostalgia and rebellion.
After COVID, I realised just how much I missed Live Music. Since then, and since that first show, I've tried to go and see as much stuff as possible. I've been lucky enough in the last couple of years to see Evanescence, Unleash the Archers, Pantera, and several excellent, local tribute bands as well as some more international ones.