Life Turned upside down...

Hello to you all.
It's been a while....
Where have I been? Well something unexpected happened...
On the second of August 2023 my wife left our home with my two kids and created chaos. I got the shock of my life. I walked into our home after work and noticed there were a number of things in the house missing... I thought we had been robbed! I soon realised this was not the case.. No ones steals my wife and children's suitcases and leaves mine behind. So the writing was on the wall, marriage potentially over and I was all alone... well... at least I still had the cat!
Things turned from bad to worse really quick and I realised that she isn't coming back. Not only has she left with my children, but started a smear campaign against me in order to discredit me and gain and advantage in family law proceedings by way of breaking the law.
Unfortunately like most great western countries and especially Australia, the female spouse can say what she likes and it is believed to be truth until proven otherwise.
28 Days.... 28 days I did not see my children. I engaged a family lawyer and started legal proceedings against my then wife in order to prevent her from continuing to kidnap my children from the family home.
Slowly but surely I was reunited with my children and we now have a new found relationship which is now what I am slowly becoming used to as "normal".
Almost a year on and the drama continues with my ex wife, she continues to attempt to manipulate the system and try and gain the upper hand. What a shame she married a tech savvy Hiver who leaves no stone unturned... The truth will be told...
In a nutshell I caught my ex wife having an affair with her co worker/boss whom she knew for approximatley 5 years, so naturally I told his wife and showed her the text messages. This infuriated both of them and they plotted a scheme to try and take me down. So far... FAIL. In order to execute a plan... wise you must be. Fortunately for me they aren't that bright.
Moving along guys and gals... this post is just a stepping stone for me to get back into blogging and hopefully get the giveaways going again. Splinterlands is a whole different ball game now.... omg how things have changed in 1 year. I still play and still enjoy the game.
Feel free to reach out to me and say hello or let me know if you have gone through something similar. I am here to help and be helped.
It has taken me this long to just sit at the pc and get the courage to write a new post... It's a long road, but it has to be walked...
Take care of yourself and the people around you.
PS. If you read this post and reblog I will send you a Splinterlands card... I have heaps... Cheers Mates!

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