Dear HIVE Community,this was an exciting week for HIVE since
@peakd released an update in order improve the user experience for people creating a new HIVE account and integrated support for the
Open Standard Referral System.
I have to say it is and was a real pleasure to work with both
@asgarth and
@asgarth - both of them are very awesome guys and we can call us lucky to have them committed to the HIVE ecosystem.
Meanwhile me (
@roomservice) was pretty busy improving features for people, who like to use the Referral System a lot and are constantly on-boarding new people. This update is for you!
Introducing: Referral Dashboard
You are now able to Login into your HIVE Account using HiveSigner and access your Dashboard.
As you can see in the screenshot above, the referral link can now easily be copied to clipboard with just one click. The main content is divided into 3 tabs: Overview, Referred Accounts and VIP Tickets.
Overview Tab
You can now track easily how many accounts you already have referred to HIVE and see your progress towards to the Referrer Badges which now grant you special perks in order to help you spreading the word.
A few weeks ago we introduced VIP Tickets which allow to bypass the verification process on
@hiveonboard making the account creation process even easier.
Now you are able to claim those tickets by yourself. As a requirement you have to unlock at least the first Referrer Badge which means you referred at least 10 people to HIVE.
After you claimed a VIP Ticket, it will be shown and you can decide to just copy the code, the link or even print the ticket and hand it over to a friend in real life. The QR code contains the link with you as a referrer and the code altogether.
In case you have demand on one or even more VIP Tickets but haven't reached the requirements yet, feel free to reach out to me on Discord roomservice#8215
and I try to help you out.
As you bring more and more people to HIVE you and eventually unlock the Epic or Legendary Referrer Badge the cool down for claiming those VIP Tickets will be reduced for each Badge tier your reached.
Referred Accounts Tab
The Referrral Tracker introduced a few weeks before moved into this tab. If you are interested into details, feel free to read
this post. The functionality hasn't changed, it's basicly the same as before.
VIP Tickets Tab

As expected you can now keep track of all your VIP Tickets in this table.
- Click on the ticket icon on each row, details of the specific ticket will be shown.
- Lookup if one of your tickets has already been consumed.
- Export the table into CSV or PDF
I really love to hear your feedback on this update. If you have any ideas or suggestions, please let me know.