Dear Hive Community,@roomservice here and it's time to present you another great incentive to bring new people to HIVE!
Referral Badges are Live!
- The account receiving the badge referred those accounts using the Open Standard for a HIVE Account Referral System (supported by at least
- Only one of those three badges will be rewarded to a single account. This means if somebody earned the
Referrer Badge
for referring at least 10 accounts and reaches 100 accounts, the Referrer Badge
will be replaced with the Epic Referrer Badge
How does it work?
Each badge is technical an HIVE account following a specific naming convention like badge-202010
. Whenever the one of those badge accounts follows another account, it will indicate to front-ends that the badge was awarded. The process of managing the badge accounts can be fully automated like we did. front-end even included very cool features around badges.
Thanks to
@jarvie and
@jarvie who made this happen!
As you can see in the screenshot below, you can
- access the Accounts Feed,
- access the Blog and
- access Recipients
for each badge.
Creating Incentives
Earning the Legendary Referrer Badge
could be the ultimate goal for social people who to work on on-boarding new user. We are working on creating special perks for people who earned a badge.
On top of that at least confirmed, that the referral system will be added really soon! This is the point when referring people to HIVE adds monetary incentives and it's expected to lead to a increased growth of user per day.
Planned Changes to Badge Pictures
A few people told me that it's pretty hard to read the badge pictures. I agree!
@thepeakstudio recently created these badges they were looking really cool in their original size, but in practice it turned out, that the scaled down images are really hard to read. So bare with me until it's fixed.
Even More Stuff Coming Soon
When I started
@hiveonboard I haven't imagined how much stuff still could be improved when it comes to onboarding new user. Speaking of now, my to-do-list is getting longer. So stay tuned for the next update!