[ENG] HiQs Flash №15 | Weekly HIVE News

On a chain where Life-Hive-Balance should be the name of the game, a team of young HiQ authors got together to publish this week's HiQs Flash.
As we said, we're sorry. But we carry on with renewed vigor and above all have picked up where we left off. We from Team HiQuarters still have a lot up our sleeves.
Our Story of the Week (Editor's note: We should probably rename it Story of the Month. LOOL) is a very hot topic this time. A user from the German community, who has been doing a lot for the community and newbees for several years now is unfortunately being flagged to the ground. Read on to find out exactly what this is all about.
We also take a look at a new game. (Editor's note: The name has just slipped our minds. But you'll find the game in our brand new issue).
Before we die of heat stroke, we round off this issue with an article about Hivebuzz, (Editor's note: While proofreading, we noticed that @balte is only 28th. There's room for more improvement. LOOL) Hivestyle for Hivians, the giveaway and much more.
Even if some of our team members are no longer our team members, we have to keep moving forward. I'd say we'll do that right along with them... ★


In Memory of @kryptodenno

The Chain claims another victim. There are 10 millions reblog lotteries out there, but that one dude who does not want a reblog and not even a vote on his lottery, now he is the problem!
It is often hard to understand the reasons of our police force aka @themarkymark, @themarkymark and whoever feels like larping a judicial system. Sure there are many clear cases, but then you have the ambigious 'draining the reward pool','using copy&paste or templates', 'posting more than once per day', 'being a multi-chainer'. So you don't want people to earn money, use techniques every office worker uses when working with text or information, be too active or have contact to the chain that shall not be named?
The case of @kryptodenno is a really bizzarre one. His lottery was one of the most consistent things the German part of the Hive blockchain had to offer and it was a requirement for participants to have written a post the last 7 days. We guess this was done to keep people active and prevent them from only playing the Denno Lottery (Editor's note: which @kryptodenno often tried, LOOL).
If you wanted to contact him you could ask him questions or anything in your comment on the lottery and he would respond in his comment the next day.
You can critizise the concept of a lottery in general and ban all giveaways on Hive, which apart from being a dumb idea is also unreasonable. At the end this comes all down to taste, many Hivians love to play lotteries and giveaways and there is also a good chunk who think this is spam. But can't we live and let live?
It is also quite the debatable question who drains the chain more.
Marky Mark: $330,000 per year
Hivewatchers: 290HBD per day
Kryptodenno: maybe 20 Hive per day counting all his accounts excluding his curation rewards since those are not whats debated here.
If your aim was to make @kryptodenno give back more to the community, we would really wonder why first of all. He already has his second account @kryptodenno But it feels like there was no attempt to give Denno any path for redemption. Like always this feels more like bullying than policing.
A whole new aspect might be the aggregation content. There is a certain dislike towards that kind of content even though it tries to promote other content. And it is again a question of taste and a really strange rule to ban aggregation articles.
So what do you think? Is this legit or some new straight fucked up shit that is going on on Hive that makes people quit? Comment down below and tell us what you think. ★


Rise of the Pixel Designers

Did you ever want to create your own game without much coding? Now you can with Rise of the Pixels! Well, you will never be able to play your game or see in-game footage, but you will have your ideas graded by AI-Critics. Of course it also matters how much you invest and how you spent the time and effort of your team.

How to get started

You need at least $11 for 1 Licence, 1 Starter Pack to start and 100-200 Pixel Coins/Token. But be warned, if you want to compete for the high scores that won't be enough. It is enough to play the game and get a feel for it, if you are lucky enough to roll a dev on your starter pack. You could also just buy a cheap developer from the marketplace. Cost efficency is an important factor so you should always try to get as much skill and speed as possible for as low PXL/hour as you can.
In the My Ressources Tab you can view your team and change their equipment.
Now you can go the Project hub to finally create your game! What will it be? A GTA set in medieval times? But beware if you make it too gory or otherwise inappropriate your game might be labled NSFW and therefore get a minus in the score.
The genres and themes might feel a little restrictive but there are more options coming in future updates! For beginners it is highly recommended to use Solo if you only have 1 team member and indie if you have 3 team members you want to use.
Now we come to the real meat of the game: The title and the description. These make up a huge part of the rating and here is where your creativity counts. It is also forbidden to use any existing real world titles and with the millions of published games out there it's really not that easy.
You can select tech but there seems to be a low cost-benefit for solo or indie developers. But don't quote us on that, LOOL!
Next thing you need to do is spend the points your team provides. This is the other huge factor that decides the outcome of your game. Here you will have to go for your gut feeling of what would be important in your game. Is it the graphics and music or tight controls and great quests that will make your game successful?
After a few hours your game will be released and critics will rate it. The integrated AI will also spin up reviews that relate to the things you came up with in the description of the game.
If your game is not received well enough considering the production value you might even lose money on your game, we think this is a great way to spice it up and not make this a mindless money printing game.
Every season also has a leaderboard where you might win prices if you have points.
Happy Developing! ★

Are We Buzzing?

How many badges do you have in Hive? Are you curious about other data concerning your account? If you haven't heard of Hivebuzz.me before, you're missing out. Because you won't be able to stop checking this website! LOOL
On Hive, we've all been notified by Hivebuzz "You have earned this badge" or "You have completed this achievement", these notifications show the milestones you have reached on Hive. The Hivebuzz website was created by @arcange, @arcange and @arcange and they motivate people by notifying them of their achievements on Hive. Let's take a look at what we can do on the website.

When you open the Hivebuzz.me website you're greeted with a screen like this. There is a section at the bottom where you can enter a username. Here you can type your username or the username of any account you want to stalk. LOOL
When you enter your username, you will first be greeted by a section where you can buy badges to support Ukraine. You can support Ukraine by buying NFTs either at the basic level or at the highest level.
One of the sections we really want to show you is the activities section. Here you can see detailed statistics such as how many posts you have shared on your account, how many comments you have made, how many people have voted for you, how many people you have voted for, how many rewards you have received etc. At the bottom of the page you can also see your next milestone.
In the personal section, you can see how many years you have been on Hive and badges for Hive-related events. Special badges such as the World Cup are also available here.
In the Meetups section, there are badges for Hive festivals. If you have attended a festival, you can view the badge here. (Editor's note: If you have several of these badges, you are pretty stylish!)
In the Power Up section, you can see the badges you earned for participating in Hive's monthly Power Up day. At the bottom of the page you can also view badges for the LEO Power Up day that is being organized on Hive.
Another cool part of the website is the Ranking section, which can be accessed by clicking on the crown sign at the top right. Here you can see the rankings for the users with the highest reputations, the users with the most shares, the users with the most comments, the users with the most Hive Power and much more detailed data. (Editor's note: it's fun to check your own rankings! You should do it from time to time. LOOL)
What are you waiting for? To visit this incredibly smart website? Oh, one thing we almost forgot to mention is that you can also see in your profile if you are a red fish, a minnow or a giant whale on Hive! Don't forget to tell us which fish you are in the comments. ★
We're starting summer instead of taking a summer break and that's why you're getting a hot edition of Hivestyle for Hivians.

Buzzparty Aachen

We were at the Buzzparty Hamburg. For the coming weekend @detlev is organizing a similar event - the Buzzparty Aachen. Somehow a HiQ editor snuck into the speaker list without knowing it. Will the HiQ editor, whose name @quekery, we don't want to mention, make it to this event? Will he survive the 8 hour train ride or will he melt? Will more HiQ editors show up? And who is actually doing the presentation?

Splinterlands changes

A lot has changed in Splinterlands in our absence. As we learned from players in the community, not everything was to the satisfaction of the players. After the ranking change, where the individual leagues were abolished and you only have one ranking list, bots were banned for players in Modern mode. Some players were angry about this and some left the game. However, just over a week ago, the creators came up with something new, which was again very controversial. Many players did not want this change, but since the start of the season there has been a game pass for the game ranking. From this point on, you need this pass to be able to fight in the game rankings at all. This is to make it a little more difficult for pure bot players, because the game pass must be purchased via DEC, CREDITS or VOUCHER, otherwise you can no longer fight there.


The new airdrop in Splinterlands was also released at the start of the season. As we have already reported in some other issues, you now need chances to take part in the airdrop. The chances are collected in wagons, in which you can then use rebellion cards to collect points. Nothing has changed. You still need 100k points for a chance. The points are calculated from the Cp of the individual cards. With the current airdrop, you need at least 350 chances to be guaranteed to get a card. So the more chances you have, the higher the chance of getting more cards.
The card in question is the Summoner Celic,
Which can be used for the elements of water and death, but at 7 mana is more suitable for a high mana battle.
You can also choose from a number of abilities that you can assign to the cards in your deck.


Our plan was actually to start our comeback slowly. And bang, 1-2 blocks later the new HiveFest was announced. As already leaked in the rumors, the HiveFest will take place in Croatia in Split. Will there be a print HiQ for HiveFest again this year? Will we withstand the stress or break again? How many between 0-4 HiQ editors will show up? Who is going to pay for all this? And who will actually do the presentation? ★



Unfortunately you had to wait a very long time for the new issue and the winners from the last Hiq Flash. But this week we finally have the winners to our last raffle. Again some Hivians answered the call to action.
Short info
As we are currently experiencing delays due to our real lives. We cannot guarantee 100% that the next issue will be published within 2 - 4 weeks as usual. So check back from time to time to see if we've heard from you yet. We will set the countdown for one week and then we will evaluate the competition.
Everyone who has submitted their prediction in accordance with the rules by then is eligible to take part.
In the last HiQs Flash, we wanted to know how many Common cards are in the next booster pack we open. This time too, you can look forward to finding out who the lucky winners of the coveted Craftink booster packs are!
Here you can find an overview of the participants and their predictions.
As usual, we opened a pack and these cards appeared.
After we opened the pack, we were able to locate exactly 4 common cards.
This time we have 2 lucky winners who correctly guessed 4 Common cards. @arc7icwolf and @arc7icwolf were right. So this time you will be able to enjoy our valuable booster packs. Since we had 4 packs in the raffle, you will each receive 2 packs from us, have fun with them and congratulations.
We will open another CraftInk booster pack internally and you can guess how many Fillink cards are included in this pack. Tell us your prediction in the comments and mention 2 more Hivestylers. In the next HiQs Flash, which will be published soon, we will announce the winners and post a proof screenshot of our pack opening. You have until the end of the countdown to take part in this competition. We will give away 5 packs amongst all participants.
Important note: We must insist that you read the giveaway terms and conditions carefully. Anyone who forgets to tag or types the wrong card will unfortunately not be considered.★
This week you can once again take part in the popular HIQS Commentary Discount Sale and buy up to 540 HIQS. This time there is a 33% discount on the current price (0.104 SWAP.HIVE). Just write
!HIQS HereYourWishAmount
in the comments. For 0.069 SWAP.HIVE per HIQS you can get the coveted item this week. You have 48 hours from when this post is published to do so. After the deadline, a post will be published on @hiq.shares that will process your orders.
If more than 540 HIQS are requested, the HiQ Smart Bot will distribute the HIQS fairly according to smooms' rule. In cases of abuse, we reserve the right to exclude users from purchasing. (Editor's note: Which still has NEVER happened.) ★
If you want to be informed about our latest issue, @CraftInk, the Commentary Discount Sale, or the other stuff then you should definitely subscribe to us and even get the coveted HiQ SUB Badge. Write quickly
into the comments, follow us on PeakD or any other dApp you trust: For the german issue follow @hiq and for the english version @hiq ★★

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Anyone who is stylish and smart has subscribed to us: @adedayoolumide @adedayoolumide @adedayoolumide-eu @adedayoolumide @adedayoolumide @adedayoolumide @adedayoolumide @adedayoolumide @adedayoolumide @adedayoolumide @adedayoolumide-plays @adedayoolumide-vibes @adedayoolumide @adedayoolumide @adedayoolumide-aranea @adedayoolumide @adedayoolumide @adedayoolumide @adedayoolumide @adedayoolumide @adedayoolumide @adedayoolumide @adedayoolumide @adedayoolumide @adedayoolumide @adedayoolumide @adedayoolumide @adedayoolumide @adedayoolumide @adedayoolumide @adedayoolumide @adedayoolumide @adedayoolumide-forex @adedayoolumide @adedayoolumide @adedayoolumide @adedayoolumide @adedayoolumide @adedayoolumide @adedayoolumide-ti @adedayoolumide @adedayoolumide @adedayoolumide @adedayoolumide-lemark @adedayoolumide @adedayoolumide @adedayoolumide-glechner @adedayoolumide @adedayoolumide @adedayoolumide @adedayoolumide-stoffel @adedayoolumide @adedayoolumide @adedayoolumide @adedayoolumide @adedayoolumide-loto @adedayoolumide @adedayoolumide-leo @adedayoolumide @adedayoolumide @adedayoolumide @adedayoolumide @adedayoolumide @adedayoolumide @adedayoolumide @adedayoolumide @adedayoolumide @adedayoolumide @adedayoolumide-iglo @adedayoolumide @adedayoolumide @adedayoolumide @adedayoolumide @adedayoolumide @adedayoolumide @adedayoolumide @adedayoolumide @adedayoolumide @adedayoolumide @adedayoolumide @adedayoolumide-miron @adedayoolumide @adedayoolumide @adedayoolumide-cyntaia @adedayoolumide @adedayoolumide @adedayoolumide-be @adedayoolumide-me @adedayoolumide @adedayoolumide @adedayoolumide @adedayoolumide @adedayoolumide @adedayoolumide @adedayoolumide @adedayoolumide @adedayoolumide-beatcz @adedayoolumide @adedayoolumide @adedayoolumide @adedayoolumide @adedayoolumide @adedayoolumide @adedayoolumide @adedayoolumide @adedayoolumide @adedayoolumide @adedayoolumide @adedayoolumide @adedayoolumide-fr @adedayoolumide @adedayoolumide @adedayoolumide @adedayoolumide-bee @adedayoolumide @adedayoolumide @adedayoolumide @adedayoolumide @adedayoolumide @adedayoolumide @adedayoolumide @adedayoolumide @adedayoolumide @adedayoolumide @adedayoolumide @adedayoolumide @adedayoolumide @adedayoolumide @adedayoolumide @adedayoolumide @adedayoolumide @adedayoolumide @adedayoolumide @adedayoolumide @adedayoolumide @adedayoolumide @adedayoolumide @adedayoolumide @adedayoolumide @adedayoolumide @adedayoolumide @adedayoolumide @adedayoolumide @adedayoolumide @adedayoolumide @adedayoolumide @adedayoolumide @adedayoolumide @adedayoolumide @adedayoolumide-tokens @adedayoolumide @adedayoolumide @adedayoolumide @adedayoolumide @adedayoolumide @adedayoolumide @adedayoolumide-hope @adedayoolumide @adedayoolumide @adedayoolumide @adedayoolumide @adedayoolumide @adedayoolumide @adedayoolumide-and-family @adedayoolumide @adedayoolumide
Countdown bis Dienstag
31 Replies