Half-Breed's updated cover.

I've been churning out content like crazy this year.
Half-Breed ended up at 476 pages. Its sequel, Witchling ended up at 669 pages.
The newest book, Karma's Pretty Dollssits at 402 pages.
It's been a crazy wild ride, and I'm hoping to knock one more out before 2020 is over.
However, it dawned on me that I never shared Half-Breed's final, updated cover with you!
It took several tries to find an artist up to the task, within my budget. Some of the cover attempts were so cringy I didn't know whether to laugh or cry.
But, now I am working with the talented artist Manuela Serra, and she hit it right out of the park. I couldn't be happier with it!
2020 has been crazy, but since coming down with the Rona in April, I've had all the time in the world to really buckle down and get some work done.
I'm over the moon with what's been accomplished so far, and plan to keep on pushing!
Thanks for reading, and thanks for not abandoning me, though I'm absent so often. 💜
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