Cover image was created using canvaI have a lot of digital memories from this year alone become it has been a Rollercoaster year with lots of event and new connections that has made life whole. Digital memories are those inspired by technology and these can be achieved through pictures, videos, messages, emails, chats, voice notes, arts and so on. One of the most common ways people tend to keep memories is through photography, and this has been a milestone in the age of technology in our present world. Sometimes it's so sad that while we were growing up, there were no smartphones with installed cameras to take picture of us when we were little, the only memories we have of those moments are the ones registered in our brain. The only picture we had of those moments are those of special occasions when a professional photographer was called. However, the kids of these days cannot relate because even at a tender age, they made videos of themselves comfortably and take lots of pictures that they use to relieve their memories. In the 90s,proper camera phones came up in the 2000s although they still had poor cameras.