Hello, a warm and cordial greeting to all the readers who read my post today. I hope you are all doing well, that you have a great day, and that you are motivated and hungry to improve every day in this beautiful discipline, such as calisthenics and street workouts. To put it mildly, today was truly a peaceful, calm, and relaxing day. Since today was a day off and I didn't have any heavy obligations, I was able to rest my mind and body. While I was at work in the morning, around 10 a.m., I went out to try some handstands to practice my balance, since the handstand is an exercise I really like; it relaxes me and fills me with peace.
Como pueden ver, visualizar y observar en las imágenes, primero hice un pino normal, lo más recto posible, y aguanté ahí un largo rato solo disfrutando del momento. Después abrí y me dispuse a intentar un pino a un brazo y, aunque conseguí aguantarlo, no duré mucho. Pero practicar parada de manos es relajante en un día como este, donde me distraje de la rutina y solo disfruté de la parada de manos. En los días de descanso, yo opino que, además de no entrenar y exigirse como de costumbre, nos ayuda a reiniciar el chip, por así decirlo, y mentalizarnos más en nuestros objetivos. Bueno, chicos. Gracias por su atención. Espero que les haya gustado mi publicación. Un saludo a Hive y a la comunidad de #swc. Nos vemos en la próxima publicación. Cuídense.
As you can see, visualize, and observe in the images, I first did a normal handstand, as straight as possible, and stayed there for a long time, just enjoying the moment. Then I opened it and got ready to attempt a one-arm handstand, and although I managed to hold it, I didn't last long. But practicing handstands is relaxing on a day like this, where I got distracted from my routine and just enjoyed the handstand. On rest days, I think that, besides not training and pushing ourselves as hard as usual, it helps us reset the chip, so to speak, and focus more on our goals. Well, guys. Thanks for your attention. I hope you liked my post. Greetings to Hive and the #swc community. See you in the next post. Take care.
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