Some men strongly defend that the size doesn't matter at all, the size of "The Weapon" I mean, and this ain't war weapon I'm talking about huh!!!, at least not the bloody corpes left behind killing war, if you know what I mean.
People around this kind of defense tend to break laughing out or in(meaning with the traditional mouth or the stomach's one) and even if they make no comments about it, they think to themselves..."this one's got a fucken small pocket harmless weapon dude"...and maybe he's not, but you know people, not everyone stands for others rights defense but they do for themselves, and besides, mostly everyone get to mock about some other's lack, if you know what I mean.
Some other men just don't give a damn about that topic, those are smart men that have no time to waste thinking or debating about such superficial matters like that one, no they are not!!!! Hahaha, or maybe they do are, but one thing is certainly sure boy, they own a fucken big weapon and that's why they don't care and have no worries or time to discuss those matters, naaa.
#### Sniper weapon.

I can't stand on any of the two sides, I gues there's noone right or wrong about their defending positions, event women are divided in two sides about this matter, there's obviously one side with bigger numbers though.😉
But I think that depends on what a subject needs, being the giver or the receiver, or both. I strongly believe that love is discovered raw, as some mineral, and then's gotta be shaped and built around some bases conformed by a bunch of personal interests(from both), feelings, plans, likes, dislikes, compatibilities, persepectives, goals and opinions, among others. So, size in every couple standards matters more or not according to what they both spectatives are concerning to the amounts they need to give or receive in order to get satisfied at having sex or making love, whatever it might be called.

Me, well, no complains or demands out of dissatisfaction about my weapon performance have arrived to my Complaints and Suggestions Departement.
Well, the truth being said, I wouldn't win any of the competitions, both, the gold to the bigger or the gold to the smaller, but I'm doing fine so far. Whenever's necessary I lie faced down in the toilet if I imagine that due to the distance and the short reach of the weapon any pee bullet is gonna fail the target and fall out, cause in that case my wife slays me down and leves me unarmed.
Summarizing, sizes were created for a reason, every size has an objective, as the saying here says, "every cauldron has its lid", you won't see a Sniper using a canyon to get his mission accomplished properly, no matter if the canyon is bigger, it's useless for a quiet precision mission success, so , as I said before, sizes are meant to specific needs or requirements.
If you are a Sniper, you know you can't use your Sniper's weapon to try to bring a big wall down, cause you will fail...just because of the size of the weapon.
Original content free of AI.
Images in the post are my own.