That's how I decided to call them, I don't know if there really is a name for those stains that one has inside, those things in our character, attached like parasites, that not even one can stand when they emerge.
Some might include them in the bag of defects, but I don't... it's just that perhaps some of the spots, not just mine, but anyone's, might not fit into that classification.
But the problem is not in the name that can be assigned to them, the problem is that they are there and sometimes they emerge when you least want or imagine, without any control, at the least opportune moment... and they create complex and unpleasant situations in our environment. In general, they also generate rejection from those around us.
And the worst thing about black spots is that they are like silent volcanoes that when they decide to erupt there is no way to stop them, there is no way to control them... you can only run away. And that's when the following question pumps up:
You're not running away, you're not escaping,so I can only see 3 options:
1.To find a way to stop the volcano from erupting.
2.To find control mechanisms to contain and minimize damage from the eruption once it has inevitably begun.
3. Being slowly consumed by that lava that will burn you little by little, slowly but in an intense and heartbreaking way and being able to remain standing after that.
#### So, if those black spots are what I truly hate about myself, it is surely what most people hate as well.
And I say most because there have been those (a few very close people) who have told me, as a kind of constructive-reflective-affectionate censure, but they have done it. Something that I value a lot.
I think that whoever truly loves you does not tell you what you want to hear on any subject, they tell you their real and objective opinion, however harsh it may be. And that sincerity that comes from love (in any of its manifestations), has an incalculable value. ☝️At least for me.☝️Above all as a selection criterion for the people I will surround myself with.
To the point...
In short, I am going to share with you what I believe to be the black spots in the geography of my ways.
I simply had very little of that, if anything. And it is necessary for almost all types of situations, very necessary. Having the patience required in certain moments and situations ensures an exhaustive analysis of the same, a deep look at various angles, an adequate approach and the making of a correct and objective decision.
But not only to weigh up situations that require important decisions. To answer those types of questions that sometimes carry venom and require an educated but forceful response, to deal with certain people, to teach, to interact with children, with animals, to wait... I could go on, but for what? Patience is necessary for everything and I have little of it, which sometimes leads to this other one that I think is the worst.
The lack of the above, mixed with a strong character and a low tolerance level, usually triggers anger in me.
Sometimes it's caused by something or someone, sometimes not, sometimes it just comes out, I guess from frustration or as a result of a bad night where I didn't sleep well or slept very little. The biggest problem is that I'm difficult to deal with in those moments and if the anger I feel is too great there is a very high risk of losing control and, according to those who have had the misfortune of seeing me like this, it's not at all pleasant to witness. Luckily, this loss of control has happened rarely, with incisive and difficult people who have managed to bring out the worst in me, what usually comes out is controlled anger, which is also not pleasant to deal with, but causes less collateral damage.
Too direct or spontaneous.
**Image of my property**
This point has several colors. Personally, I don't consider it black, but I include it in the list because I have received discomfort around it.
I usually say what I feel and think in a direct and spontaneous way, I don't like beating around the bush, I like to call things by their name and get straight to the point. I also like people to be like that with me. But there are some people who don't like to hear direct truths or find this display of sincerity in some way invasive.
On the other hand, I am a bit extroverted and intense, especially with what I want to achieve. My approaches and my ways of expression sometimes tend to make people uncomfortable and be perceived as invasive or too intense for certain tastes. It happened to me with my wife when we met, I was forced to dose a bit the intensity of my projections, because she sometimes got a little scared, she said that I was going too fast, according to her, it was not possible for me to feel and express what I said in such a short time (I already showed her that I was). And the thing is that I give myself with too much intensity. That's why I am vulnerable to vices, but that's another story for another day.
According to some of my closest loved ones over the years, I am too tough in some ways. Just yesterday my wife was talking to me about it. I don't know if it's because of the blows that life has taken from me so far and how much it has taken from me before my time, or maybe it's a kind of armor that I have unconsciously created to avoid damage. The fact is that I have been told at times that I show myself as a wall, impenetrable. However, I consider myself a very sensitive person. I confess that sometimes I am a little hard, even with myself, in matters of demands and of doing or having done what I consider correct. In this sense, I sometimes find myself being a little resentful.
Excessive distrust
I trust very, very few people, and I don't mean the kind of trust that involves telling or sharing personal things (which are also few that I trust), I mean, I find it very difficult to delegate, to trust in the abilities of another person to do something for me, especially something that I could do myself. There are not many people to whom I can give a task and be assured that it will be done as I would do it or better. This makes me a bit incisive, repetitive and overwhelming with those who do not have my full confidence in terms of instructions on the task and supervision during it, but I am more present ensuring that everything goes as I want than I would be if I did it myself.
I don't think I'm leaving anything out there, maybe I've already gone on too long. I hope I haven't overwhelmed you too much.
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