Good luck Columbo.


Hello, here I am again for the...

Weekend-engagement Week #248
The one and only problem I saw to make the decision to do it or not, was that I had to fold the thing myself. That's right, I had to fold it to use it myself and if an accident happened to occurr, only I would be responsible for it happening and for the consequences of it. That's right!!!
That idea had been spinning in my head for a while and kept spinning there for a while longer. I was fucken afraid bro, what can I say, very scared and insecure... What if I did it wrong?...the folding thing, What if it didn't open? all know what would had happened,oh no, you don'tšŸ˜šŸ˜, you still don't know what I'm talking about. Anyway, you will soon enough.
*Empty walls says nothing, just like posts. (not bilingual content, just a picture, don't mute me mate.šŸ˜‰)*
But passion was stronger than all that and it won, yes, that's how I became a parachute. It took quite a time for me to decide it, but that was a world that amazed me so much that nothing could stand between skydiving and me, not even my terror for the heights and certainly not the folding thing.
Folding the parachute means setting it up for the jump. In case someone might not be familiar with the term.
Well, this whole thing was before starting college,back in military service at the special troops, the dream came from way long before that though.
That was very common there, the parachute thing I mean, they did not force us to do it though,unless we were professionals, for pros it was obligatory,yeah, they were special troops dude!!!, can't be special without jumping down from a high up in the skies plane!!!.
But the possibility was there, open to those who wanted it and I ventured into it for 2 main reasons:
  1. My passion for parachuting.(Don't know where it came from but it was undeniably there).
2- Be a little more comfortable and better fed in the military service, and above all, do not stand guard at night.
My first jump was very difficult, as I said before, the parachute was prepared by me and I was afraid that it would not open, we all know what the outcome would had been if this happened in a jump at 1000 meters high(*now you do know, yeah,yeah...*šŸ˜‰) and I also had to deal with the strong and fat fear I had for it(Height). I still don't understand how passion overcame fear, because it was deeply rooted in me, but well,it did.
Won't keep boring you with more details about this, but one thing I must say to you folks, back there, not in time, but in the post,yesss boy, there are two truths and one lie about me, well, I crossed the line a bit with the amounts of lies in order to build the story, but let's call them fiction for this time, besides the more there is the easier to find they are.Good luck Columbus.
But, before I go, wouldn't be me if I don't mix up a bit, not my fault though, it's administration's fault, those topics get the words out of me and as you know I can't keep'em in or I won't sleep.So, promise I'll be brief.

A quick cleaning in an answer to this question.

What emotions do you think you could personally do without and why? How would it improve and what would removing it bring?

I would definitively remove anger the hell out of me for once and for good, I could totally do without it, I'm looking forward to it in deed.
Anger has brought so many problems and pains in the past,wrong decisions, mistaken reactions and management of certain matters,but overall it affects me a lot in other senses, it makes me feel awful, makes me lose control of myself and say or do things I normally regret after doing them.I have the strong belief that anything that leads you to do something you regret later is harmful, poisoning and must be removed from your life.
Anger owns me sometimes, still dealing with tgis issue and how to manage myself to get to control it totally, but I'd rather say good bye than keeping it. I DON'T NEED IT.
Removing Anger away would allow me to make better decisions in so many moments in which anger clouds my mind. Must say sometimes anger shows for now particular reason and turns me into someone else unable to deal as normally required with some matters.
Absence of anger would definitely bring so much peace to my mind and to my life, as well as those around me. That would allow me better analytical thoughts leading to better and more objective decisions, to set up the right strategies and approaches, to balance and value things properly, troubles included, would allow me to change perspectives aimed to get better solutions, to get and keep motivation flowing, to do, to fight, to write, to live in a better way.
See? I was brief.
A pleasure having been here...
___ ### UNTIL NEXT TIME šŸ‘‹ ___

Images in the post are mine.
Original content, free of IA.
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