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Every mind can be, in its own way and sometimes, a maze.
Raúl Hernández Vergara.

Weekend-Engagement:Week 247

Hello everyone and welcome to my mind, please stay together with the group on this tour we are about to take, this is your first time in this place and although it is not a very extensive or complex place, it does have its hidden passages and deceptive structures, places from which, if you go too far alone, you may not be able to return easily, or you may not be able to return at all.
This is a unique place, this is the first thing you should know, there is no replica of it or another similar one in architecture or structure. The organization of it, when it is organized, does not have a specific order, so I will not anticipate the characteristics of the places we will be passing through until we are in front of them.

### The tour begins.

One Fear
On the left, crouching behind the wall, are the fears, the biggest one, the one in the center, that is the leader, the Greatest of my fears, it is called "Dying."
They say that humans tend to fear the unknown, perhaps it is true, death is unknown to me and no matter how much people talk about it, no matter how much they think they know it, I don't think they know anything other than its causes and consequences.
Sometimes thoughts about death cross my mind, it doesn't matter if it is due to old age or some other cause, any of the ideas terrify me, although I must admit that I am more terrified of leaving now suddenly, just like that.
Death has hit my life hard and I know what it feels like to be left behind after losing a loved one, and I think my greatest fear is the sadness that those who love me might feel, the lack I might make them, especially my children, who are still children, I am very afraid of leaving them without my presence to face this hard life.
One Hope
We continue the tour, here is hope, optimistic to the core and generally has faith in humanity, in goodness, in positive changes, that a better world is possible and that life can be lived in a simple, peaceful way, without harming and without envy, its name is Freedom.
Freedom to be in the place you choose at the time you decide, to be able to say and express ideas and thoughts without fear of being repressed, to be able to work and live humanely from the result of our effort and work, freedom to know beyond those prison borders, to interact, make plans, grow, dream, travel, hunt, swim, see peaceful sunrises on any coast, ski on any mountain, celebrate a decent Christmas... freedom to live.
One Ambition
In the next hallway with shining eyes and a face of conquest you will be able to see ambition. Her name is Success and she is always immersed in a relentless struggle to achieve her personal and professional goals.
What is Success for her?
It's simple,just working happily and that her job, in addition to providing personal well-being, the satisfaction of feeling useful and professional growth, allows her a comfortable and stable economic livelihood to live decently with her needs and those of her family covered. This is unfortunately not possible in the current environment, so in order to achieve these objectives she would have to first of all unite her forces with hope in search of the longed-for freedom.
Of course, once this is achieved new objectives, new goals, new ambitions will probably arise, but that is natural.
One Failure
The guy in the corner who does not look up out of shame is the leader of the platoon of failures and his name is "Lack of self-control." Right now he is much better off than he was a few years ago. Just like ambition, he has strived to achieve his goal, to change his name and his failed nature, and has truly taken steps forward towards achieving it but he has not yet fully achieved it, which is why he feels ashamed, his impulsive and instinctive actions have already caused various damages to himself and to others.
One Love

That bright spot you can see at the end of the corridor is the battalion of **Loves**, this time I won't talk about the leader, which is the love for my children, I'll choose one, one that has been with me for a long time and that will also be with me until the end of my days, its name is **Music**. I could say so much about music, it has so many capacities, so many powers, so many skills... it can transform into whatever I need at the moment I need it, it makes me travel in time, it makes me laugh with sadness and cry with joy, it makes my skin crawl in the summer and it hugs me warmly in the winter. Music is a very special love, one without conditions and without rules, it gives me much more than I can give it, but it doesn't care, it's still there, it keeps supporting me and accompanying me wherever and in any situation. The most beautiful thing is that it has many faces, many bodies, many characters and they are all beautiful, all worthy of love, and they all accompany me without lacking space for one more to join us along the way.
One Hate
He lives there, in that dark corner that can barely be distinguished, if you look closely you can see his eyes reddened with anger in the middle of the darkness that surrounds him, he is the greatest enemy of failure, he is the one who has often prevented him from achieving his goals. But I will not talk about his impulses, I will talk about what he does not tolerate with all the reason in the world..."Betrayal", "Arrogance", "Abuse", "Lies"..."Politics and its demagogy", ..."Wars".
I know, there are several things, but it is a single hatred, towards what distances us from humanity, towards what makes us undeserving of the privileges we have in life, towards what makes us a failed superior race that is inferior to some that are supposedly inferior, towards what makes us go over our peers and crush them for greed, for power, for unnecessary stupidities. Yes, it is a feeling that I do not like, that I would not like to inhabit my mind, but that I understand in its moments of sanity when defending what is right and repudiating what is wrong.

That's all, but first...

Freedom is not procured by a full enjoyment of what is desired, but by controlling the desire.
If it's ok I want to drop some thoughts about this phrase without making a post out of it, I hope you don't mind a bit mixing up of topics and telling me here what this means to me.
I used to smoke for more than 25 years, I had to remove cause of health issues, I know what it is like to be a slave of desire, I also consider I've been a man who's vulnerable to temptations and desires, so, must of the time I'm in a struggle against them for my own freedom.
So, the concept of freedom in that phrase, as I see it, applies for both harmful vices or healthy desires and the need or enjoyment sensation that might attach us to them so we keep ending up there without any control of will. That uncontrolled repeated regression turns us into slaves of enjoyment itself or any emotion out of an event that leads to personal well-being.
So, the ability to say no from time to time in order to establish self control and set priorities, can build our way to freedom.

That's it, now I'm done.😁

___ ### UNTIL NEXT TIME 👋 ___

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