I Am Alive Challenge - Day 578

Hello All,
Hope you all are doing good and safe.
I am back at my brother’s place again. We went for Satsang (relegious preaching) followed by community service. We had afternoon meal there only before we returned to my brother’s place.
Kids enjoyed it as there was a lot of space there for them to run around. We were hoping that they will be tired after this as will sleep without efforts at night.
In the evening I went to pick up my uncle and aunt from airport. Flight landed a lot earlier so they had to wait for me. I made my special vegetable soup for dinner and everyone liked it very much.
With these words, I am sharing day 578 post of my I am alive challenge.

I thanks to @flaxz for the initiative.
For more details and participation please check the link.

Curation Trail
@bradleyarrow setup a curation trail and you can check he details and how to join the trail by clicking on this link

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