Nothing But Blue Skies . . .

Can anyone guess who just finished digging in the garden on #beersaturday and is now enjoying a wonderful Kolsch underneath a beautiful Carolina Blue sky?
If you guessed the @handofzara, you would be correct.
In fact, a nice fresh and clean Kolsch is exactly the way to finish off a perfect #beersaturday under a perfect Carolina Blue Sky.
As of late we have had nothing but Carolina boomer clouds and pouring rain for weeks on end, at least on #beersaturday's followed by unusually hot and steamy days.
Is anyone else just sick and tired of the perpetually offended know-it-alls who ain't got two brain cells left to rub together? God knows the @handofzara has. And my solution is of course to drink a cold brew, get outside, grow something and just relax while the knuckleheads explode or should that be implode.
And today me and the Mrs. @handofzara took our first hike in the mountains of the season.
How is that for a Carolina Blue Sky?
Not a single "chemtrail" or as the powers that be would say a "contrail" in sight. A little "tinfoil hat" hat stuff here. I live in the foothills of North Carolina. Last month our neighbors to the west in Tennessee banned all the spraying of weather modifying chemicals in the air. And odd thing has happened, to those of us who live downwind.
We have clear blue skies and normal clouds!
I read reports that in some places, the skies have become a permanent hazy gray. Or a checker board of streaks covers and obscures their skies. Truthfully, ever since Tennessee took action I have only seen one or two chemtrails/contrails in our Carolina Skies.
Makes on ponder, what the heck is going on.
In celebration of a wonderful, hike in the mountains, I went with a cool, clean and crisp Kolsch.
Sky Blue Kolsch is brewed right here in the Old North State by the Carolina Brewing Company in Chapel Hill. The brewery was founded in 1995, which makes the Carolina Brewery one of the older craft breweries in the State.
I know that being almost 30 years old does not seem like a long period of time, but relatively speaking as an Independent Brewery, 30 years is a long time to be in business.
So tell me in the COMMENTS do you believe in chemtrails and weather modification?
My solution to all the crazy nonsense in this world of ours is to get outside, grow something and have a cold beer. I do a great deal of shaking my head and mumbling to myself as well.
See y'all next #beersaturday. God willing and the creek don't rise.
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