Even though I'm working away on things, it's been a while since I put something out. So I took a couple of tracks that weren't really fitting the feel of what I'm working on, and popped them out as a single. Kinda.
It was never my intention to make a big hoo-ha over these tracks - it was more a little thank you for folks caring enough to follow me on Bandcamp. That was about a month ago, and as today I've been doing some web site tweaking I thought a little blog post about the release would check to see that everything is still working as it should be ;-)
You can find the tracks "A Dull Business" and "Slave" here - https://gribbles.bandcamp.com/album/a-dull-business if you want to download them (set to pay what you want, so grab 'em for free if you like!)
Of course, to hear about things like this earlier you can follow me on Bandcamp...