I'm steadily getting my shit act together for the live set I'll be playing later on in the year.
I know I've a few Hive folk interested in my musical meanderings, so I thought I'd pop these here for you to have a listen to.
This is "And a spinster I'll be..." - and was the first one I got together. Filmed in glorious whale-o-vision - which is everything to do with my outline and nothing to do with how much Hive coin I have...
Next out the traps was "Childer". Less screen space taken up by the gribblygut, but we do have a rather disconcerting pair of floating disembodied hands ;)
I've a few more tunes bubbling under - aiming to have maybe 6 or so in total for a nice tight set of 30, or thereabouts. They'll all be tunes using the Lincolnshire dialect recording I have in one form or another because I'm doing A Thing as part of a literary festival in Gainsborough in September. (See my post
Also coming along nicely are a couple of generative soundscapes with visuals using Ableton & Magic Music Visuals. More on that soon...
I make music!
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